Fetch's Product Prices from Souq.com
- Type some keyword on top left searchbar
- Scroll-down to see the load more button
- Supports pagination, lot more to do..
The App might look slower (always more than 200ms), as it waits for backend scraping using PHP.
Single class with methods to curl into, fetch, scrap, parse and json_encode results.
- [AngularJS] - HTML enhanced for web apps!
- [Materialize] - A modern responsive front-end framework based on Google's Material Design
- [angular-materialize] - Angular Directives for Materialize CSS.
- [PHP] - Hypertext Preprocessor & a lot more like grunt, bower, node.js, karma, yo ...
$ grunt build
Want to contribute? Great!
First Tab:
$ npm install
Second Tab:
$ bower install
Third Tab:
$ grunt serve
(optional) Third:
$ karma start
- Add support for more e-commerce portals
- Add sorting into front-end
- Use Localstorage for showing previous price searches
- Better UI
- Backend PHPUnit Tests
Free Software, Hell Yeah!