kegg-animate-pathway is a Python-based command-line utility which interfaces with the KEGG API to produce animated figures of metabolic pathways to reveal activities of its genes and/or compounds.
The color, size, and bluring of the overlays can be modified at will. For example, here is the same pathway but with the overlays blurred and scaled up, and using a blue-to-yellow color palette:
$ pip install
kegg-animate-pathway is used on the command line; options (shown by typing kegg-animate-pathways --help
) are available to select a KEGG pathway to display, the genes and/or compounds activity levels to use for the graphic overlay, and various settings for the graphic overlays such as size, blur level, and color. Here is a list of all these options:
usage: kegg-animate-pathway [-h] -p KEGG IDENTIFIER -l FILENAME
[--aggregate {mean,median,lowest,highest,random}]
[--mid-value VALUE] -o FILENAME
[--duration SECONDS] [--fps INTEGER]
[--with-labels] [--label-font FONTNAME]
[--label-size INTEGER]
[--blur INTEGER] [--transparency INTEGER]
[--scale FLOAT] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose (optional) if set, will display debug information
input options:
(mandatory) KEGG identifier for a pathway
(mandatory) CSV-formatted file with activity levels;
this option can be used more than once, one per file
processing options:
--aggregate {mean,median,lowest,highest,random}
(optional) Function used to aggregate activity levels
when more than one entity share the same graphic
element. Default: median
--mid-value VALUE (optional) If set, the color palette used for the
overlays will use this mid value for the mid color
(see --mid-color)
output options:
(mandatory) Name for the output movie file
--duration SECONDS (optional) Duration of the output movie, in seconds.
Default: one seconds per time point
--fps INTEGER (optional) Frame rate of the output movie. Default: 25
--with-labels (optional) If set, will show gene and compound names
on the figure
--label-font FONTNAME
(optional) Set a TrueType font to use for the labels
--label-size INTEGER (optional) Set a font size to use for the labels; will
be ignored if not font is provided by --label-font.
Default: 10
(optional) Starting color, as a R/G/B triple of 8-bits
integers. Default: (0, 0, 0)
(optional) Middle color, as a R/G/B triple of 8-bits
integers; ignored if no middle value was defined (see
--mid-value). Default: midpoint between --start-color
and --end-color
(optional) Ending color, as a R/G/B triple of 8-bits
integers. Default: (255, 255, 255)
--blur INTEGER (optional) Blur radius for the graphic overlays.
Default: 0
--transparency INTEGER
(optional) Transparency level of the graphic overlays,
from 0 (opaque) to 255 (invisible). Default: 50
--scale FLOAT (optional) Scaling factor of the graphic overlays.
Default: 1
$ kegg-animate-pathway --pathway-id pae00010 --levels genes.csv --output pae00010.gif
This command will retrieve information about pathway pae00010
(glycolysis and gluconeogenesis) from KEGG, retrieve information about gene activities from the file genes.csv
, and combine both into an animated GIF file pae00010.gif
. Default values are selected for the color palette used to show activity levels (from black for the lowest value to white for the highest value), and the graphic overlays.
$ kegg-animate-pathway --pathway-id pae00010 --levels genes.csv --output pae00010.gif
The notion of lowest and highest activity level is per dataset only (option
); i.e., distinct datasets will be processed independently with respect to the range of values they have. -
The use of green for down-regulated and green for up-regulated genes and proteins is a de facto standard in the literature. Those colors, however, are difficult to distinguish for most color-blind people. As discussed at the following replacements are better options: instead of green (0 255 0) and red (255 0 0) you should prefer bluish green (0 158 115) and orange (230 159 0). Even better, you should prefer sky blue (86 180 233) and yellow (240 228 66); those have a higher contrast than the previous choice.