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react-credit-card-primitives Build Status

React primitives to build a credit card form. 7kb gzipped.

Relies on the creditcards library. Inspired by @bendrucker's virtual-credit-cards.


$ npm install --save react-credit-card-primitives


When you need to build a credit card form, it's really hard to find something that is:

  • Small bundle size
  • Customizable
  • Doesn't come with loads of CSS that you don't want to use.

Often when building a custom credit card form, all you want is the building blocks. This library provides those using the "bring your own render" philosophy, using prop getters to hand you properties to put on your own elements to render the form.


Example on codesandbox

import {Number, Cvc, Expiration} from 'react-credit-card-primitives'
      onChange={({value, valid}) => console.log(value, valid)}
      }) => <input {...getInputProps()} className={valid ? '' : 'error'} />} />
      onChange={({month, year, valid}) => console.log(month, year, valid)}
      }) => (
          <input {...getInputProps()} className={valid ? '' : 'error'} />
          {!value ? ''
            : error === Expiration.ERROR_MONTHYEAR ? 'Please enter valid month and year'
            : error === Expiration.ERROR_MONTH ? 'Please enter valid month'
            : error === Expiration.ERROR_YEAR ? 'Please enter valid year'
            : error === Expiration.ERROR_PAST_DATE ? 'Please enter a date in the future.'
            : ''}
      )} />
      onChange={({value, valid}) => console.log(value, valid)}
      }) => <input {...getInputProps()} className={valid ? '' : 'error'} />} />



Create a credit card input that formats the user's input with spaces every four digits. Formats and validates user input with creditcards.card.

import {Number} from 'react-credit-card-primitives'
// OR:
import Number from 'react-credit-card-primitives/number'



string | optional

The credit card number without spaces (eg 4242424242424242). The non-formatted version of the user input.

If not provided, the Number component will manage its value via internal state (it will be an "uncontrolled component").

If value is provided, the Number component becomes a "controlled component".

The onChange prop is called whenever value changes.


string | optional

If no value is provided, this will set the initial value.


function(object: NumberStateAndHelpers) | optional

Called when the value changes. NumberStateAndHelpers is the same object received by the render prop function.


boolean | optional

If true, when a valid credit card number is typed and the input is not focused, the input will be masked.

All but the last 4 digits of the credit card number will be replaced with .

Use the getMaskedValue(object: NumberStateAndHelpers): rawValue prop to customize the masked value.

The default behavior is as follows. Given the following markup, the input will have the value '•••• •••• •••• 4242':

<Number value='4242424242424242' masked={true} render={({getInputProps}) => <input {...getInputProps()} />} />


Array<Card Type Id> | optional

All Card Type Ids

Example: <Number cardTypes={['American Express', 'Visa']} />

The given types, if provided, will be the only allowed credit card types.

By default, all card types are allowed.


function(object: NumberStateAndHelpers) | required

<Number render={() => <div />} />

Use the render prop function to render your number input and any associated elements (e.g. an image representing the current card type or any errors).

The render prop function is called with the following NumberStateAndHelpers object:

property category type description
value state string The currently entered credit card number (without spaces or formatting)
valid state boolean Whether the given value is a valid credit card number (via creditcards.card.isValid. If the cardTypes property is passed in, this says whether the value is a valid version of one of those card types.
type state string What credit card type the currently entered number is (eg 'Visa').
focused state string Whether the input is focused.
getInputProps prop getter function The properties to put on your <input> element.
getLabelProps prop getter function The properties to put on your <label> element.


creditcards instance | optional, default is require('creditcards')

A creditcards instance with custom types, constructed using creditcards.withTypes().


Create an expiration input that automatically puts a separator (/) between month and year. Formats and validates user input with creditcards.expiration.

Provides you with parsed month and year as numbers.

import {Expiration} from 'react-credit-card-primitives'
// OR:
import Expiration from 'react-credit-card-primitives/expiration'



number | optional

The entered month, 1-12.

If not provided, the Expiration component will manage its month via internal state (uncontrolled).

If provided, it must be provided with the year prop.

The onChange prop is called whenever month changes.


number | optional

The entered year, four digits.

If not provided, the Expiration component will manage its year via internal state.

If provided, it must be provided with the month prop.

The onChange prop is called whenever year changes.


number | optional

If no month is provided, this will set the initial month.


number | optional

If no year is provided, this will set the initial year.


function(object: ExpirationStateAndHelpers)

Called when the month or year changes. ExpirationStateAndHelpers is the same object received by the render prop function.


function(object: ExpirationStateAndHelpers) | required

<Expiration render={() => <div />} />

Use the render prop function to render your expiration input and any associated elements (e.g. errors).

The render prop function is called with the following ExpirationStateAndHelpers object:

property category type description
month state number The currently entered month or undefined.
year state number The currently entered four-digit year or undefined.
rawValue state string The value currently entered into the input (e.g. '11 / 19'
error state string The current error, if input is not valid. See Errors below.
valid state boolean Whether the input is currently a valid month/year.
focused state boolean Whether the input is focused
getInputProps prop getter function The properties to put on your <input> element.
getLabelProps prop getter function The properties to put on your <label> element.


creditcards instance | optional, default is require('creditcards')

A creditcards instance with custom types, constructed using creditcards.withTypes(). |


The possible values for error in ExpirationStateAndHelpers. These are provided because expiration errors can be of several different types. Use these to display errors in your UI:

  • Expiration.ERROR_MONTH_YEAR ('err_monthyear')
  • Expiration.ERROR_MONTH ('err_month')
  • Expiration.ERROR_YEAR ('err_year')
  • Expiration.ERROR_PAST_DATE ('err_pastdate')


Create a cvc input. Validates user input with creditcards.cvc.

import {Cvc} from 'react-credit-card-primitives'
// OR:
import Cvc from 'react-credit-card-primitives/cvc'



string | optional

The entered cvc number.

If not provided, the Cvc component will manage its value via internal state (uncontrolled component).

If value is provided, the Cvc component becomes a "controlled component".

The onChange prop is called whenever value changes.


string | optional

If no value is provided, this will set the initial value.


boolean | optional

If true, the input's value will be replaced with while blurred.


string<Card Type Id>

All Card Type Ids.

By default, the cvc input will be validated as needing to be of length 3 or 4.

If a type id is given, the cvc input must match the length of the given type.

For example, the following will validate the length as 4 for american express cards:

<Cvc cardType='American Express' />


function(object: CvcStateAndHelpers) | optional

Called when the value changes. CvcStateAndHelpers is the same object received by the render prop function.


function(object: CvcStateAndHelpers) | required

<Cvc render={() => <div />} />

Use the render prop function to render your cvc input and any associated elements (e.g. errors).

The render prop function is called with the following CvcStateAndHelpers object:

property category type description
value state string The currently entered cvc code
focused state boolean Whether the cvc input is focused
valid state boolean Whether the cvc input is valid. If cardType is provided, the cvc is validated against that cardType.
getInputProps prop getter function The properties to put on your <input> element.
getLabelProps prop getter function The properties to put on your <label> element.


creditcards instance | optional, default is require('creditcards')

A creditcards instance with custom types, constructed using creditcards.withTypes().


MIT © Andrew Joslin


React primitives for building a credit card form







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