The aim of this package is to provide a new class of fast transforms based on the use of asymptotic formulae to relate the transforms to a small number of fast Fourier transforms. This new class of fast transforms does not require large pre-computation for fast execution, and they are designed to work on expansions of functions with any degree of regularity.
The Chebyshev—Jacobi transform and its inverse are implemented. This allows the fast conversion of Chebyshev expansion coefficients to Jacobi expansion coefficients and back.
julia> Pkg.add("FastTransforms")
julia> using FastTransforms
julia> c = rand(10001);
julia> @time norm(icjt(cjt(c,0.1,-0.2),0.1,-0.2)-c,Inf)
0.258390 seconds (431 allocations: 6.278 MB)
julia> p1 = plan_cjt(c,0.1,-0.2);
julia> p2 = plan_icjt(c,0.1,-0.2);
julia> @time norm(p2*(p1*c)-c,Inf)
0.244842 seconds (17 allocations: 469.344 KB)
The design and implementation is analogous to FFTW: there is a type ChebyshevJacobiPlan
that stores pre-planned optimized DCT-I and DST-I plans, recurrence coefficients,
and temporary arrays to allow the execution of either the cjt
or the icjt
This type is constructed with either plan_cjt
or plan_icjt
. Composition of transforms
allows the Jacobi—Jacobi transform, computed via jjt
. The remainder in Hahn's asymptotic expansion
is valid for the half-open square (α,β) ∈ (-1/2,1/2]^2
. Therefore, the fast transform works best
when the parameters are inside. If the parameters (α,β)
are not exceptionally beyond the square,
then increment/decrement operators are used with linear complexity (and linear conditioning) in the degree.
N. Hale and A. Townsend. A fast, simple, and stable Chebyshev—Legendre transform using and asymptotic formula, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 36:A148—A167, 2014.
R. M. Slevinsky. On the use of Hahn's asymptotic formula and stabilized recurrence for a fast, simple, and stable Chebyshev—Jacobi transform, arXiv:1602.02618, 2016.
A. Townsend, M. Webb, and S. Olver. Fast polynomial transforms based on Toeplitz and Hankel matrices, arXiv:1604.07486, 2016.