Library for integrating payumoney easily to your laravel/php apps using simple interface.
Use the package manager composer to install package.
composer install ajuchacko/payumoney
use Ajuchacko\Payu\PayuGateway;
$params = [
'txnid' => '134',
'amount' => 12.00,
'productinfo' => 'Iphone',
'firstname' => 'Jon Doe',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'phone' => '9895309090',
'surl' => '',
'furl' => '',
'udf1' => 'Secret value',
$payu = new PayuGateway([
"merchant_key"=> "testMerchantKey",
"secret_key" => "testSecret",
"merchant_id" => "7974556",
"test_mode" => true,
$payu->pay($params); // Redirects to PayUMoney
// OR
$hash = $payu->newChecksum($params);
$payu->toArray(); // Returns array or parameters which can be submitted via web/mobile app.
Get: Test Credentials
use Ajuchacko\Payu\PayuGateway;
use Ajuchacko\Payu\Exceptions\PaymentFailedException;
use Ajuchacko\Payu\Exceptions\InvalidChecksumException;
$payu = new PayuGateway([
"merchant_key"=> "testMerchantKey",
"secret_key" => "testSecret",
"merchant_id" => "7974556",
"test_mode" => true,
try {
$response = $payu->paymentSuccess($request->all())
// $response->toArray();
// $response->txnid // retrive response params as attributes
} catch (PaymentFailedException $e) {
$response = $payu->getPaymentResponse($request->all());
} catch (InvalidChecksumException $e) {
// Checksum is tampered
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.