Of course this dotfiles structure not include everything that I use, like QEMU.
I have very heavily customized i3-gaps to make it UX similar to good one ion3 and notion, you can find it here:
I presumptuously think that this is the most sophisticated thing that was created with the help of these i3ipc tools in the world ever and is also a good example of creating some new stuff with i3ipc. Though it python-based it's really fast because of client-server architecture.
Also I have some custom config "distribution" of ZSH, Neovim, tmux and polybar config are also interesting enough with some more-or-less unique features.
If you are vimperator fan like me please try tridactyl, after some patching and user-css stuff it become nice enough for daily use. You can find it config here:
- Terminal
- alacritty -- nice cross-platform terminal emulator, but I am using suckless terminal for now.
- sh -- based bourne shell config.
- bash -- I don't use bash widely, anyway I have some basic config.
- zsh -- the best of the best shell for me, pretty complex custom config. Based on GRML many years ago, maybe now it is not.
- cool-retro-term -- very nice(but slow) terminal emulator a-la "old TV"
- term-colorschemes -- various dynamic colorschemes, not up-to-date.
- dircolors -- my 256-color filetype-based dircolors.
- tmux -- tmux config
- Dev
- vim -- I am using neovim for now, a lot of nice stuff. Also used as IDE for almost all languages(except of java, scala)
- dcvs -- configs for dcvs, except git.
- git -- config for git(.gitconfig)
- Debugging
- gdb -- GNU debugger.
- Music
- mpd -- music player daemon and mpd-notification configs.
- ncmpcpp -- mpd client
- beets -- music library manager
- Window system / X11
- i3 -- my current WM with a lot of new stuff. I migrated to it after many years of using my fork of Notion WM.
- gtk -- gtkrc
- dunst -- my minimalistic notification daemon, which also used for mpd-notification.
- polybar -- my statusbar
- keymaps -- alternative keymaps. I am using xmodmaprc with caps-lock rebinded to ctrl, etc.
- x11 -- various x11 related stuff
- startup -- scripts for .xinitrc to run compositing, custom keybindings, etc.
- rofi -- dmenu analogue to run programs, find windows, everything, used very widely.
- sxhkd -- x11-wide keybindings, independent to WM.
- picom -- x11 compositing manager.
- Net
- tridactyl -- Vimperator-like firefox addon. Vim-like keybindings and UX in firefox.
- stig -- custom colorscheme for this nice transmission-client
- css
- IM / Mail / News
- newsboat -- cli newsbeuter-based rss-reader.
- Media
- mpv -- my minimalistic video player config.
- sxiv -- config for my fork of sxiv, image viewer.
- Emulators
- dos -- configs for dos emulators.
- systemd
- systemd -- user services(for
systemctl --user
)- caddy.service: local webserver for firefox startpage
- caffeine.service: Prevents the desktop becoming idle in full-screen mode
- downloads.service: Downloads cleaner and handler
- picom.service: Compositing manager
- cursor_swarp.service: cursor swarp
- downloads.service: Downloads cleaner and handler
- dunst.service: Lightweight and customizable notification daemon
- gnome-keyring-daemon.service: Gnome keyring daemon
- gpaste.service: GPaste clipboard manager daemon
- mpd.service: Music Player Daemon
- mpdas.service: mpdas last.fm scrobbler
- mpd-notification.service: MPD Notification
- nm-applet.service: Network manager applet
- sxhkd.service: fast hotkey manager
- transmissiond.service: transmission service
- udiskie.service: automounter
- update-pic-dirs.service: Pic dirs notification
- wallpaper.service: setup wallpaper on startup
- x11.service: startx as service
- xinput_settings.service: my xinput settings
- systemd -- user services(for
- Doc
- zathura -- nice and tiny pdf/djvu/whatever viewer with UX similar to vim
- Misc
- neofetch -- nice fetch with custom config
- htop -- basic htop stuff(monochromatic for now)
- imgur-screenshot -- imgur uploaders.
- misc -- various stuff, which I don't use a lot as like urlview, keynav, etc.
- task -- basic config for my GTD-like tool taskwarrior.
- ranger -- nice console-based filemanager. I do not using it a lot, but like picture preview feature(in terminal, based on w3m).