Ajax security managed by esphome esp32 device
The objective was to manage Ajax security (https://ajax.systems/) from Home assistant https://www.home-assistant.io/
I used community based addon to monitor system status via SIA and discribed in the post hardware soldering https://community.home-assistant.io/t/ajax-alarm-system/62853/99
Board used - ESP32 wroom v1 as I had one https://www.espressif.com/en/products/devkits/esp32-devkitc/overview
Here is the code for ESPHOME (esphome.io) https://github.com/akarpenkoua/ajax-spacecontrol-esphome/blob/master/esphome_config
Here is simple automation that syncronises SIA with "virtual alarm panel in HA" https://github.com/akarpenkoua/ajax-spacecontrol-esphome/blob/master/homeassistant-automations