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Cosmovisor in the Docker

The main purpose of this project is to simplify running different cosmos-sdk based chains using same docker container. It combines into one image following things:


Docker image

Supports following host/arch

  • linux/amd64
  • linux/arm64

Image version corresponds to the version of the cosmovisor

Tested mainnet chains

  • Akash
  • Rebus
  • Stride


Chain environment variables

All environment variables related to the cosmos-sdk chain are starting with CHAIN_ prefix. Script will rewrite prefix to appropriate by each chain. For example, if chain is akash then CHAIN_HOME variable will be rewritten as AKASH_HOME

Special behavior of certain environment variables

  • CHAIN_P2P_SEEDS and CHAIN_P2P_PERSISTENT_PEERS - either set explicitly or extracted from chain.json
  • ADDITIONAL_P2P_SEEDS and ADDITIONAL_P2P_PERSISTENT_PEERS - useful when need to use peers from chain.json along with own list

Config environment variables

  • CONFIG_URL - link to custom chain.json (testnet for example)
  • CONFIG_FORCE_IMPORT_GENESIS - (default false) download genesis file from link provided in chain.json
  • CONFIG_RESET_DATA - (default false) clean data dir in --home=$CHAIN_HOME
  • CONFIG_DOWNLOAD_RECOMMENDED_BINARY - (default false) download and install recommended binary into $CHAIN_HOME/current/genesis/bin
  • CONFIG_ENV_PREFIX - (default value based on the daemon name) custom env prefix instead of one
  • CONFIG_PEER_VALIDATION - (default true) perform connectivity check using netcat

Daemon environment variable

All cosmovisor except DAEMON_HOME and DAEMON_NAME variables are available.

  • DAEMON_HOME - detected from chain info and set by script
  • DAEMON_NAME - detected from chain info and set by script
  • DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES (optional), if set to true, will enable auto-downloading of new binaries (for security reasons, this is intended for full nodes rather than validators). By default, cosmovisor will not auto-download new binaries.
  • DAEMON_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE (optional, default = true), if true, restarts the subprocess with the same command-line arguments and flags (but with the new binary) after a successful upgrade. Otherwise (false), cosmovisor stops running after an upgrade and requires the system administrator to manually restart it. Note restart is only after the upgrade and does not auto-restart the subprocess after an error occurs.
  • DAEMON_RESTART_DELAY (optional, default none), allow a node operator to define a delay between the node halt (for upgrade) and backup by the specified time. The value must be a duration (e.g. 1s).
  • DAEMON_POLL_INTERVAL (optional, default 300 milliseconds), is the interval length for polling the upgrade plan file. The value must be a duration (e.g. 1s).
  • DAEMON_DATA_BACKUP_DIR option to set a custom backup directory. If not set, DAEMON_HOME is used.
  • DAEMON_PREUPGRADE_MAX_RETRIES (defaults to 0). The maximum number of times to call pre-upgrade in the application after exit status of 31. After the maximum number of retries, cosmovisor fails the upgrade.
  • UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP (defaults to false), if set to true, upgrades directly without performing a backup. Otherwise (false, default) backs up the data before trying the upgrade. The default value of false is useful and recommended in case of failures and when a backup needed to rollback. We recommend using the default backup option UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP=false.


Some configurations may want to execute custom code prior starting cosmovisor, download initial binary for example. There is one prerun stages available and either of them or both can be used/omitted. Scripts must be named and

  • - executed if found when chain file is downloaded, chain home and chain-id detected
  • - executed if found right prior starting cosmovisor

Debug shell behavior environment variables

  • SHELL_SET_X - (default false) dump shell execution
  • SHELL_SET_E - (default true) fail script on non-zero return codes
  • SHELL_SET_U - (default true) fail script if unbound variable is referenced

Custom chain URL

Private testnets can also use this repo as long as they define appropriate chain.json and set it as


Take a look examples dir for docker compose runs.


Starts two instances of akash - rpc (sentry) and validator behind it


.env contains common environment variables for both validator and akash Enables statesync and downloads snapshot from polkachu servers.


Wipes content of $CHAIN_HOME/data on each restart


cd examples/akash
docker compose up