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block-volume-attacher provides an image which performs the attach of block volumes on any desired node. It also does the detach of the volumes which are no longer needed.

Steps to attach the SoftLayer block volume on the worker node of the cluster


  1. Ensure the following environment variables are set:
    • SL_API_KEY
    • BM_API_KEY
  2. Ensure that the Python Softlayer package has been installed:
    pip install softlayer
    See :
  3. Login to cluster by using bx login command
  4. Initialise the bx sl to your account used in cluster.
    bx sl init

Create remote block volumes and allow host access using either automated script or manual way

Automated script way to create and authorise block volume
  1. Create a parameter file of the following form, called yamlgen.yaml in the current working directory
    # Can only specify 'performance' OR 'endurance' and associated clause
    cluster:  mypxcluster       #  name of IKS cluster
    region:   us-east           #  cluster region
    type:  endurance            #  performance | endurance
    offering: storage_as_a_service   #  storage_as_a_service | enterprise | performance
    # performance:
    #    - iops:  100          #   INTEGER between 100 and 1000 in multiples of 100
      - tier:  0.25              #   [0.25|2|4|10]
    size:  [ 20 ]                #   list:  number of disks per worker node to be created, of a given size
    For this parameter file, the size array indicated the number and size of remote block devices that will be created for each worker node in the cluster. The 'size' array takes volume size as a comma-separated list input. A volume will then be created for each of the sizes given in the array and for every worker node in the cluster. Ensure that the length of the size array corresponds to the number of desired remote block devices per worker node. For example: size: [ 20, 50 ] will create 2 disks per worker node, with corresponding sizes 20Gi and 50Gi. Please ensure that the region corresponds to the region where your existing IKS cluster resides.
  2. Run the block volume creation script
    chmod +x mkpvyaml
Manual steps to create and authorise block volume
  1. Order a new block volume using the command bx sl block volume-order -h
    bx sl block volume-order -t endurance -s 20 -e 2 -o LINUX -d dal09
  2. Authorise the worker node with the volume ID where this volume needs to be attached using command bx sl block access-authorize -h.
    bx sl block access-authorize 12345678 -p
  3. Confirm if the worker node is successfully authorised to the volume using command bx sl block access-list <VOLUME ID>. If its authorised then the IQN, username and password of the worker can be seen which needs to be used later.
    bx sl block access-list 12345678
  4. Run the bx sl block volume-detail <VOLUME ID> to see the volume details such as Target portal IP which needs to be used later.
    bx sl block volume-detail 12345678
  5. Provide the block volume details IQN, username, password, target portal IP and Lun ID in the pv.yaml file.
  6. Provide the worker node IP address in the annotation of the pv.yaml file. This should be the node where the volume is authorised and has to be attached.

Attach the block volume on the worker node

  1. Download the docker image file block-volume-attacher.tar.
  2. Use command docker load to load it locally on your system.
    docker load < block-volume-attacher.tar
    docker images
    REPOSITORY                                                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE   latest              7b0ba7a4151c        2 hours ago         88.7MB
  3. Perform the bx login with your Bluemix account.
  4. After bx login, run the command bx cr login to login into the registry.
  5. Use an existing namespace from the bx cr namespaces command or create a new namespace using bx cr namespace-add command. This namespace is needed to store images in the IBM Cloud Container Registry.
  6. Tag the docker image loaded in STEP 2 with the registry and using your namespace where you want to store the image.
    docker images
    REPOSITORY                                                                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE   latest              7b0ba7a4151c        2 hours ago         88.7MB
    docker tag<YOUR NAMESPACE>/armada-block-volume-attacher
  7. Push the docker image to the registry onto your namespace.
    docker push<YOUR NAMESPACE>/armada-block-volume-attacher
  8. You will now see the image in bx cr images.
  9. Deploy IBM Cloud Block Storage Attacher using the helm chart.
  10. Create the persistent volume using the pv-<clustername>.yaml file, which was generated either using the automated script mkpvyaml or through manual steps above. This will attach the block volume on the worker node. kubectl describe pv command will show the status as attached and the annotations will also contain the device path (Example: /dev/dm-0) which indicates the successful attach of the volume.
  11. Verify that a /dev/dm-X device has been created for all the PV's before proceeding.
    $ kubectl describe pv kube-wdc07-cr43d37fc1fc5a4801acb7404054baa3aa-w2-pv1  | grep dm
    Make note of all the /dev/dm-X devices that are attached.

Detach the block volume on the worker node

  1. Delete the persistent volume to detach the block volume from the worker node.
  2. Unauthorise the worker node for the volume ID where it was attached. This will prevent this volume from getting attached again during the rescan of iSCSI session.
    bx sl block access-revoke 12345678 -p
  3. Optional: If you do not want this block volume any further, then it can be deleted from SoftLayer using the command bx sl block volume-cancel -h.
    bx sl block volume-cancel -f 12345678


  1. If the kubectl describe pv output does not show the status as attached or the device path is not seen after performing remote volume attach then retrieve the logs of the daemon set pod for the worker where attach did not happen. kubectl -n kube-system logs ibmcloud-block-storage-attacher-hwtpz
  2. Retrieve the attacher service logs from inside the daemon set pod for the worker where attach has failed. kubectl -n kube-system exec ibmcloud-block-storage-attacher-hwtpz -- cat /host/var/log/ibmc-portworx-service.log


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