- Download and install needed language vectors https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/crawl-vectors.html
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Bengali
- English
- Swahili
python3 identify.py
import fasttext
PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH = "vectors/identification/lid.176.bin"
model = fasttext.load_model(PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH)
sentences = ['Nakutakia mema katika siku yako ya kuzaliwa!']
predictions = model.predict(sentences)
# returns ([['__label__sw']], [array([0.8830707], dtype=float32)]) Swahili with 88% confidence
import fasttext
import numpy as np
import scipy
import nltk
PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH = "vectors/english/cc.en.300.bin"
model = fasttext.load_model(PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH)
def cos_similarity(sentence, word):
sent1_emb = model.get_sentence_vector(sentence)
sent2_emb = model.get_word_vector(word)
return (1 - scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(sent1_emb, sent2_emb))
good_barometer = "good"
bad_barometer = "bad"
test_good_sentence = "Wow, this is a really great sentence. I love it."
test_bad_sentence = "This is terrible. I hate it."
good_good = cos_similarity(test_good_sentence, good_barometer)
good_bad = cos_similarity(test_good_sentence, bad_barometer)
bad_bad = cos_similarity(test_bad_sentence, bad_barometer)
bad_good = cos_similarity(test_bad_sentence, good_barometer)
print("How good is the test good sentence?", good_good) # 0.5789779424667358
print("How bad is the test good sentence?", good_bad) # 0.4181070625782013
print("Test good sentence is most likely '{}'.".format("good" if good_good > good_bad else "bad")) # 'good'
print("How bad is the test bad sentence?", bad_bad) # 0.41083455085754395
print("How good is the test bad sentence?", bad_good) # 0.39978674054145813
print("Test bad sentence is most likely '{}'.".format("bad" if bad_bad > bad_good else "good")) # 'bad'
import fasttext
import numpy as np
import scipy
import nltk
PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH = "vectors/swahili/cc.sw.300.bin"
model = fasttext.load_model(PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH)
def cos_similarity(sentence, word):
sent1_emb = model.get_sentence_vector(sentence)
sent2_emb = model.get_word_vector(word)
return (1 - scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(sent1_emb, sent2_emb))
good_barometer = "nzuri"
bad_barometer = "mbaya"
test_good_sentence = "Wow, hii ni sentensi ya kushangaza sana. Ninaipenda."
test_bad_sentence = "Sipendi hii. Haiwezekani."
good_good = cos_similarity(test_good_sentence, good_barometer)
good_bad = cos_similarity(test_good_sentence, bad_barometer)
bad_bad = cos_similarity(test_bad_sentence, bad_barometer)
bad_good = cos_similarity(test_bad_sentence, good_barometer)
print("How good is the test good sentence?", good_good) # 0.2866239845752716
print("How bad is the test good sentence?", good_bad) # 0.17274978756904602
print("Test good sentence is most likely '{}'.".format("good" if good_good > good_bad else "bad")) # 'good'
print("How bad is the test bad sentence?", bad_bad) # 0.16904355585575104
print("How good is the test bad sentence?", bad_good) # 0.1387493908405304
print("Test bad sentence is most likely '{}'.".format("bad" if bad_bad > bad_good else "good")) # 'bad'