Run 'npm install' and 'bower install' to pull in dependencies.
Run npm run server
to start the webpack-dev-server
Run accessproxy
to start the proxy for Red Hat access.
In your browser visit
redhat_access_angular_ui uses stratajs for communication with the Red Hat Customer Portal API and has a few options integrators should set. These should be set prior to boostrapping the AngularJS application.
Set an identifier for auditing:
Use a non-production Red Hat Customer Portal API:
<div id="main" class="content-area">
<div ng-non-bindable data-$injector="">
<div id='redhat-access-cases'>
<div ui-view autoscroll="false"></div>
angular.module('RedhatAccess.cases').config(function ($urlRouterProvider, $httpProvider) {
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById("redhat-access-cases"), ['RedhatAccess.cases']);
The RedhatAccess.cases module has the following configuration options(They MUST ALL be specified if deviating from the default) :
.value('NEW_CASE_CONFIG', {
'showRecommendations': true,
'showAttachments': true,
'showServerSideAttachments': true
.value('EDIT_CASE_CONFIG', {
'showDetails': true,
'showDescription': true,
'showBugzillas': true,
'showAttachments': true,
'showRecommendations': true,
'showComments': true,
'showServerSideAttachments': true,
'showEmailNotifications': true
rhc app create -g int_hosted_medium -a pcm -n support
npm run server
To generate translation templates from the code follow the steps below.
Do the full build with
npm run build
Generate the tanslation templates with
npm run generate-translates
This should generate all required files and then scrape all keys for translations. All intermediate files should be deleted afterwards automatically. needs versiony-cli. To install versiony-cli use this command: npm install -g versiony-cli
Run ./