EBExtensions Option Settings Validator
########################### Akshit Khanna #########################
########################## AWS Tools ##############################
python ebXparser.py ebx_config_file
Release Notes:
-- Validates the formatting and option settings of ebextensions general option_settings
-- Works with both the general and shorthand formats. eg:
- namespace: aws:autoscaling:asg option_name: Cooldown value: 500
option_settings: aws:autoscaling:asg: Cooldown: 500
-- Sub Directory "configs" contains all the files for different namespaces that contain the option settings and allowed values that serve as reference.
-- aws:elb:policies:policy_name has not been implemented yet.
-- aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:default -> HealthCheckInterval has 2 sets of thresholds for ALB and NLB. Only the wider set has been implemented yet.
-- Options like "InstanceType" might be considered valid if they are entered as any string. Will update this later to allow only valid values.
-- Files under the "config" directory can be modified to add/delete/update option settings.
-- YAML lint does not work very well with the shorthand version.