These instruction are to make the new poky build with tsocks that will enable to bypass the firewall for clanton build
add the below string into the folling file: meta-clanton_v0.7.5/meta-clanton-distro/recipes-core/images/ IMAGE_INSTALL += "tsocks"
go to /home/akuma34/work/clanton/meta-clanton_v0.7.5/poky/meta/recipes-core/uclibc/uclibc-git/uClibs.distro Add the follwing lines into this file LDSO_PRELOAD_FILE_SUPPORT=y LDSO_PRELOAD_ENV_SUPPORT=y
go to meta-clanton_v0.7.5/meta-clanton-distro/recipes-extended "mkdir tsocks" "cd tsocks" add the file to this directory
Please source the env file "source poky/oe-init-build-env "
goto yocto build or directory "bitbake -c clean uclibc" "bitbake -c clean tsock" "bitbake -c cleanall image-full" "bitbake image-full"
once build is ready download the image to clanton
Login into clandon "cd /etc" "copy tsocks.conf into /etc" please edit the tsocks.conf file to add your proxy server setting in it. "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/"
Now we are ready to bypass the firewall