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Akvo Charts

The akvo-charts library allows you to create a variety of charts by leveraging Apache ECharts configurations. In this documentation, we'll demonstrate how to use all the components from akvo-charts with custom configurations, using both the default config and the rawConfig prop, which directly maps to the ECharts options.

Note: In addition to chart components, akvo-charts also includes a MapView component that leverages Leaflet for creating interactive maps. This provides a powerful combination of charting and mapping capabilities within a single library.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

Table of Contents


To get started, install the package via npm:

npm install --save akvo-charts

or yarn:

yarn add akvo-charts


Raw config

An object containing the chart configuration options that adhere to Apache ECharts' specifications. This allows you to customize various aspects of the chart, including axes, series, grid, and more. The structure of this object should follow the ECharts option documentation.

Prop Type Description
rawConfig object An object containing the chart configuration options that adhere to Apache ECharts' specifications. When rawConfig is provided, it will override the default data and config props. This allows you to customize various aspects of the chart, including axes, series, grid, and more. The structure of this object should follow the ECharts option documentation.


Prop Description Type Default
title A string representing the title of the chart. string -
subtitle A string representing the subtitle of the chart. string -
xAxisLabel A string that specifies the label text for the X axis of the chart. This helps to describe the data represented along the X axis. This prop is applicable only for Bar and Line charts. string -
yAxisLabel A string that specifies the label text for the Y axis of the chart. This helps to describe the data represented along the Y axis. This prop is applicable only for Bar and Line charts. string -
horizontal (optional) If true, the chart will be rendered with horizontal bars. This option is only applicable for Bar and Line chart types. boolean false
legend An object that specifies the legend style for the chart. For detailed configuration options, refer to the Legend Section. object None
textStyle An object that specifies the general text style options for the entire chart. This textStyle configuration will override all individual text styles within the chart. For detailed configuration options, refer to the Text Style Section. object None
itemStyle An object that defines the general styling options for items within the entire series in the chart. For more detailed configuration options, refer to the Item Style Section. object None
color An array that specifies the color list of palette. If no color is set in series, the colors would be adopted sequentially and circularly from this list as the colors of series. array ['#4475B4', '#73ADD1', '#AAD9E8', '#FEE08F', '#FDAE60', '#F36C42', '#D73027']


Prop Description Type Default
show Option to show/hide the legend. boolean true
icon Icon of the legend items. Options are: 'circle', 'rect', 'roundRect', 'triangle', 'diamond', 'pin', 'arrow', 'none'. string circle
top Distance between legend component and the top side of the container. top can be a pixel value like 20, it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like '20%', and it can also be 'top', 'middle', or 'bottom'. If the top value is set to be 'top', 'middle', or 'bottom', then the component will be aligned automatically based on position. string | number 35
left Distance between legend component and the left side of the container. left can be a pixel value like 20, it can also be a percentage value relative to container width like '20%', and it can also be 'left', 'center', or 'right'. If the left value is set to be 'left', 'center', or 'right', then the component will be aligned automatically based on position. string | number 'center'
align Legend marker and text aligning. Options are: 'auto', 'left', 'right'. string 'left'
orient The layout orientation of legend. Options are: 'horizontal', 'vertical'. string 'horizontal'
itemGap The distance between each legend, horizontal distance in horizontal layout, and vertical distance in vertical layout. number 10

Example of legend config

const config = {
  // ...other config
  legend: {
    show: true,
    icon: 'pin',
    top: 40,
    left: 'left',
    align: 'left',
    orient: 'vertical',
    itemGap: 15

Text Style

Prop Description Type Default
color The color of the text. hexa #000
fontStyle The font style of the text. Options are: 'normal', 'italic', 'oblique'. string None
fontWeight The font thick weight of the text. Options are: 'normal', 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', 100 | 200 | 200 | 400.... string | number None
fontFamily The font family of the text. string sans-serif
fontSize The font size of the text. number None

Example of textStyle config

const config = {
  // ...other config
  textStyle: {
    color: '#000100',
    fontStyle: 'normal',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontFamily: 'Arial',
    fontSize: 12

Item Style

Prop Description Type Default
color Defines the color of the series. By default, colors from the global palette color configuration are used. string (hexa) auto
borderColor Specifies the border color of the series. string (hexa) '#000'
borderWidth Sets the width of the series border. Defaults to no border. number 0
borderType Determines the type of border for the series. Options include 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted'. string solid
opacity Adjusts the opacity of the component, supporting values from 0 to 1. The component will not be drawn when set to 0. number 1

Example of itemStyle config

const config = {
  // ...other config
  itemStyle: {
    color: '#5470c6',
    borderColor: '#fff',
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderType: 'dashed',
    opacity: 0.6

Example Config

const config = {
  title: 'Akvo Chart',
  xAxisLabel: 'Year',
  yAxisLabel: 'Income',
  legend: {
    show: true,
    icon: 'pin',
    top: 40,
    left: 'left',
    align: 'left',
    orient: 'vertical',
    itemGap: 15
  textStyle: {
    color: '#000100',
    fontStyle: 'normal',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontFamily: 'Arial',
    fontSize: 12
  itemStyle: {
    color: '#5470c6',
    borderColor: '#fff',
    borderWidth: 1,
    borderType: 'dashed',
    opacity: 0.6
  color: ['#5470c6', '#91cc75', '#fac858', '#ee6666']


In Akvo-Charts, we follow the ECharts dataset format to ensure compatibility and ease of use. The following data formats are supported:

2D Array

A 2D array where the first row and/or column can contain dimension names. If dimension names are not provided, only the data will be used. This format is useful for simple tabular data representations.


    ['product', '2015', '2016', '2017'],
    ['Matcha Latte', 43.3, 85.8, 93.7],
    ['Milk Tea', 83.1, 73.4, 55.1],
    ['Cheese Cocoa', 86.4, 65.2, 82.5],
    ['Walnut Brownie', 72.4, 53.9, 39.1]

Row-Based Key-Value Format

An array of objects where each object represents a row of data. The keys in the objects correspond to dimension names, and the values represent the data points. This format is useful for datasets with named dimensions.


    { product: 'Matcha Latte', count: 823, score: 95.8 },
    { product: 'Milk Tea', count: 235, score: 81.4 },
    { product: 'Cheese Cocoa', count: 1042, score: 91.2 },
    { product: 'Walnut Brownie', count: 988, score: 76.9 }

Column-Based Key-Value Format

An object where each key represents a column of data. The values for each key are arrays that correspond to the data in each column. This format is useful for datasets where columns are explicitly defined.


    'product': ['Matcha Latte', 'Milk Tea', 'Cheese Cocoa', 'Walnut Brownie'],
    'count': [823, 235, 1042, 988],
    'score': [95.8, 81.4, 91.2, 76.9]


Bar Chart

A component for rendering basic bar chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.

Example usage of Bar chart

import React from 'react';
import { Bar } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const BarChartExample = () => {
  const data = [
    { label: 'January', value: 30 },
    { label: 'February', value: 20 },
    // ...

  const config = {
    title: 'Monthly Sales',
    xAxisLabel: 'Month',
    yAxisLabel: 'Sales'

  return <Bar config={config} data={data} />;

export default BarChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a Bar chart

import { Bar } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const BarChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    xAxis: {
      type: "category",
      data: [
    yAxis: {
      type: "value"
    series: [
        data: [
        type: "bar"

  return <Bar rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default BarChartExample;

Line Chart

A component for rendering basic line chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.

Example usage of Line chart

import React from 'react';
import { Line } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const LineChartExample = () => {
  const data = [
    { label: 'January', value: 30 },
    { label: 'February', value: 20 },
    // ...

  const config = {
    title: 'Monthly Sales',
    xAxisLabel: 'Month',
    yAxisLabel: 'Sales'

  return <Line config={config} data={data} />;

export default LineChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a Line chart

import { Line } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const LineChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    xAxis: {
      type: "category",
      data: [
    yAxis: {
      type: "value"
    series: [
        data: [
        type: "line",
        smooth: true

  return <Line rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default LineChartExample;

Pie Chart

A component for rendering basic pie chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.

Example usage of Pie chart

import React from 'react';
import { Pie } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const PieChartExample = () => {
  const data = [
    { label: 'A', value: 30 },
    { label: 'B', value: 70 },
    // ...

  const config = {
    title: 'Market Share'

  return <Pie config={config} data={data} />;

export default PieChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a Pie chart

import { Pie } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const PieChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    title: {
      text: "Referer of a Website",
      subtext: "Fake Data",
      left: "center"
    tooltip: {
      trigger: "item"
    legend: {
      orient: "vertical",
      left: "left"
    series: [
        name: "Access From",
        type: "pie",
        radius: "50%",
        data: [
            value: 1048,
            name: "Search Engine"
            value: 735,
            name: "Direct"
            value: 580,
            name: "Email"
            value: 484,
            name: "Union Ads"
            value: 300,
            name: "Video Ads"
        emphasis: {
          itemStyle: {
            shadowBlur: 10,
            shadowOffsetX: 0,
            shadowColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"

  return <Pie rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default PieChartExample;

Doughnut Chart

A component for rendering basic doughnut chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.
size number The size of the doughnut chart's torus (optional). This value determines the radius of the inner circle of the doughnut chart, affecting the overall appearance and size of the chart.

Example usage of Doughnut chart

import React from 'react';
import { Doughnut } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const DoughnutChartExample = () => {
  const data = [
    { label: 'A', value: 30 },
    { label: 'B', value: 70 },
    // ...

  const config = {
    title: 'Market Share'

  return <Doughnut config={config} data={data} size={50} />;

export default DoughnutChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a Doughnut chart

import { Doughnut } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const DoughnutChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    tooltip: {
      trigger: "item"
    legend: {
      top: "5%",
      left: "center"
    series: [
        name: "Access From",
        type: "pie",
        radius: [
        avoidLabelOverlap: false,
        label: {
          show: false,
          position: "center"
        emphasis: {
          label: {
            show: true,
            fontSize: 40,
            fontWeight: "bold"
        labelLine: {
          show: false
        data: [
            value: 1048,
            name: "Search Engine"
            value: 735,
            name: "Direct"
            value: 580,
            name: "Email"
            value: 484,
            name: "Union Ads"
            value: 300,
            name: "Video Ads"

  return <Doughnut rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default DoughnutChartExample;

Stack Bar Chart

A component for rendering stacked bar chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.
stackMapping (optional) object Configuration object for defining the stack groups in a stack bar chart. If not provided, all series will be rendered in a single stack. Refer to the Example of stackMapping props for detailed usage.

Example of stackMapping props

const data = [
    ['product', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'],
    ['Matcha Latte', 43.3, 85.8, 93.7, 90],
    ['Milk Tea', 83.1, 73.4, 55.1, 78],
    ['Cheese Cocoa', 86.4, 65.2, 82.5, 44.3],
    ['Walnut Brownie', 72.4, 53.9, 39.1, 55.5]

const stackMapping = {
  'stack1': [2015, 2016],
  'stack2': [2017, 2018],

Example usage of StackBar chart

import React from 'react';
import { StackBar } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const StackBarChartExample = () => {
  const data = [
      ['product', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'],
      ['Matcha Latte', 43.3, 85.8, 93.7, 90],
      ['Milk Tea', 83.1, 73.4, 55.1, 78],
      ['Cheese Cocoa', 86.4, 65.2, 82.5, 44.3],
      ['Walnut Brownie', 72.4, 53.9, 39.1, 55.5]

  const stackMapping = {
    'stack1': [2015, 2016],
    'stack2': [2017, 2018],

  const config = {
    title: 'Product Sales Stack Bar',
    xAxisLabel: 'Product',
    yAxisLabel: 'Sales'

  return <StackBar config={config} data={data} stackMapping={stackMapping} />;

export default StackBarChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a StackBar chart

import { StackBar } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const StackBarChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    legend: {},
    tooltip: {},
    dataset: {
      source: [
          "Matcha Latte",
          "Milk Tea",
          "Cheese Cocoa",
          "Walnut Brownie",
    xAxis: {
      type: "category"
    yAxis: {},
    series: [
        type: "bar"
        type: "bar"
        type: "bar"

  return <StackBar rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default StackBarChartExample;

Stack Cluster Column

A component for rendering stakc cluster column. Basically this chart is like stack bar chart but stacked into a group of bar chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.

Example usage of StackClusterColumn chart

import React from 'react';
import { StackClusterColumn } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const StackClusterColumnChartExample = () => {
  const data = [
      ['product', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'],
      ['Matcha Latte', 43.3, 85.8, 93.7, 90],
      ['Milk Tea', 83.1, 73.4, 55.1, 78],
      ['Cheese Cocoa', 86.4, 65.2, 82.5, 44.3],
      ['Walnut Brownie', 72.4, 53.9, 39.1, 55.5]

  const config = {
    title: 'Product Sales Stack Bar',
    xAxisLabel: 'Product',
    yAxisLabel: 'Sales'

  return <StackClusterColumn config={config} data={data} />;

export default StackClusterColumnChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a StackClusterColumn chart

import { StackClusterColumn } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const StackClusterColumnChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    legend: {},
    tooltip: {},
    dataset: {
      source: [
          "Matcha Latte",
          "Milk Tea",
          "Cheese Cocoa",
          "Walnut Brownie",
    xAxis: {
      type: "category"
    yAxis: {},
    series: [
        type: "bar"
        type: "bar"
        type: "bar"

  return <StackClusterColumn rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default StackClusterColumnChartExample;

Scatter Plot Chart

A component for rendering basic scatter plot chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.
symbolSize (optional) number Optional parameter to set the dot size. The default value is 10
showLabel (optional) boolean Optional parameter to set the dot size. The default value is true

Example usage of ScatterPlot chart

import React from 'react';
import { ScatterPlot } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const ScatterPlotChartExample = () => {
   const data = [
      { label: 'A', x: 1, y: 2 },
      { label: 'B', x: 1, y: 3 },
      { label: 'C', x: 5, y: 7 }

    const config = {
      title: 'ScatterPlot Chart Example'

  return <ScatterPlot config={config} data={data} symbolSize={25} />;

export default ScatterPlotChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a ScatterPlot chart

import { ScatterPlot } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const ScatterPlotChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    xAxis: {},
    yAxis: {},
    series: [
        symbolSize: 20,
        data: [
        type: "scatter"

  return <ScatterPlot rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default ScatterPlotChartExample;

Stack Line Chart

A component for rendering stack line chart.


Prop Type Description
config object Configuration options for the chart. For detailed information on the available configuration options, see the Config Section.
data array Data to be displayed in the chart. For more details on the data format, see the Data Section.

Example usage of StackLine chart

import React from 'react';
import { StackLine } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const StackLineChartExample = () => {
  const data = [
      ['product', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018'],
      ['Matcha Latte', 43.3, 85.8, 93.7, 90],
      ['Milk Tea', 83.1, 73.4, 55.1, 78],
      ['Cheese Cocoa', 86.4, 65.2, 82.5, 44.3],
      ['Walnut Brownie', 72.4, 53.9, 39.1, 55.5]

  const config = {
    title: 'Product Sales Stack Bar',
    xAxisLabel: 'Product',
    yAxisLabel: 'Sales'

  return <StackLine config={config} data={data} />;

export default StackLineChartExample;

Example usage of rawConfig for a StackLine chart

import { StackLine } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const StackLineChartExample = () => {
  const rawConfig = {
    title: {
      text: "Product Sales"
    tooltip: {
      trigger: "axis",
      axisPointer: {
        type: "cross",
        label: {
          backgroundColor: "#6a7985"
    legend: {
      data: [
        "Matcha Latte",
        "Milk Tea",
        "Cheese Cocoa",
        "Walnut Brownie"
    toolbox: {
      feature: {
        saveAsImage: {}
    grid: {
      left: "3%",
      right: "4%",
      bottom: "3%",
      containLabel: true
    xAxis: [
        type: "category",
        boundaryGap: false,
        data: [
    yAxis: [
        type: "value"
    series: [
        name: "Matcha Latte",
        type: "line",
        stack: "Total",
        areaStyle: {},
        emphasis: {
          focus: "series"
        data: [
        name: "Milk Tea",
        type: "line",
        stack: "Total",
        areaStyle: {},
        emphasis: {
          focus: "series"
        data: [
        name: "Cheese Cocoa",
        type: "line",
        stack: "Total",
        areaStyle: {},
        emphasis: {
          focus: "series"
        data: [
        name: "Walnut Brownie",
        type: "line",
        stack: "Total",
        areaStyle: {},
        emphasis: {
          focus: "series"
        data: [

  return <StackLine rawConfig={rawConfig} />;

export default StackLineChartExample;


The MapView component provides an easy way to render a map in your React application using Leaflet. You can customize the map's appearance, add layers, plot points, and handle user interactions such as clicks. The map configuration is passed via the config, data, tile, and layer props.



Prop Type Description
source string or object (GeoJSON/TopoJSON) Sets the source of the layer data. This can be a reference to a GeoJSON/TopoJSON object stored in a global variable (e.g., window.topoData) or a GeoJSON/TopoJSON object directly.
url string Sets the GeoJSON/TopoJSON source from a URL. The data from this URL will be fetched and used as the layer source.
style (optional) object Defines the styling for GeoJSON lines and polygons using Path options, including properties like color, weight, and fillColor.
onClick(map, props) (optional) function or string A function that is triggered when a layer feature is clicked. It receives the map: Map instance and props: GeoJSON event properties as arguments, allowing you to interact with the map or the feature.
onMouseOver(map, props) (optional) function or string A function that is triggered when the mouse hovers over a layer feature. It receives the map: Map instance and props: GeoJSON event properties as arguments, enabling hover-based interactions.
color (optional) array An array of colors used for choropleth mapping. Each feature will be colored according to its data value based on this color scale.
mapKey (optional) string The key in the GeoJSON feature properties that is used to map the data values for the choropleth map.
choropleth (optional) string The data attribute used for determining the color scale in the choropleth map. This value should match the data property in your dataset.
tooltip (optional) object Configuration for displaying a Leaflet tooltip on a choropleth map.
tooltip (object)

Configuration for displaying a Leaflet tooltip on a choropleth map.

Prop Type Description
show boolean Determines whether tooltips are enabled globally on the map.
showTooltipForAll boolean Indicates if tooltips should be shown for all data points, regardless of value.
tooltipComponent React component Custom React component used to render the tooltip content.


An array of objects that define either marker points or data for choropleth mapping. For markers, objects should include point (latitude, longitude) and label. For choropleth, objects should include keys that match mapKey and the corresponding data value (e.g., density).

Prop Type Description
point array LatLng Contains geographic points that will be displayed as markers.
label string Text to be displayed in the pop-up marker


Prop Type Description
center array LatLng Initial geographic center of the map. [latitude, longitude]
zoom number Initial map zoom level
height string Set the map height. By default is: 100vh
width string Set the map width. By default is: 100%

Example usage of MapView

import React from "react";
import { MapView } from "akvo-charts";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const MapViewExample = () => {
  const config = {
    center: [
    zoom: 8,
    height: "100vh",
    width: "100%"

  const data = [
      point: [
      label: "Istiqlal Mosque"
      point: [
      label: "Gambir Station"
      point: [
      label: "The National Monument"

  const onClick = (map, { target }) => map.fitBounds(target._bounds);
  const layer = {
    source: "window.topoData",
    url: "",
    style: {
      color: "#92400e",
      weight: 1,
      fillColor: "#fbbf24"
    onClick: onClick

  const tile = {
    url: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    maxZoom: 19,
    attribution: "© OpenStreetMap"

  return <MapView tile={tile} layer={layer} data={data} config={config} />;

export default MapViewExample;

Example Usage with Choropleth Mapping

Here is an example of how to define a layer in MapView for applying a choropleth map:

const ChoroPlethExample = () => {
  const CustomTooltip = ({ props }) => (
        display: 'flex',
        flexDirection: 'column',
        gap: 10
      <div style={{ fontWeight: 700 }}>{props?.name || 'No Name'}</div>
      <div>Density: {props?.density || 'N/A'}</div>

  const config = {
    center: [-6.2, 106.816666],
    zoom: 8,
    height: "100vh",
    width: "100%",

  const data = [
      Propinsi: "DI. ACEH",
      density: 92,
      Propinsi: "SUMATERA UTARA",
      density: 205,
    // more data here

  const onClick = (map, { target }) => map.fitBounds(target._bounds);
  const layer = {
    source: "window.topoData",
    url: "",
    style: {
      color: "#92400e",
      weight: 1,
      fillColor: "#fbbf24",
      fillOpacity: 0.7,
    color: [
    mapKey: "Propinsi",
    choropleth: "density",
    onClick: onClick,
    tooltip: {
        show: true,
        showTooltipForAll: false,
        tooltipComponent: CustomTooltip

  const tile = {
    url: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
    maxZoom: 19,
    attribution: "© OpenStreetMap",

  return (
      <MapView tile={tile} layer={layer} data={data} config={config} />

export default ChoroPlethExample;


The MapCluster component provides an initial implementation for map clustering in Akvo project use cases. It leverages Container, MarkerClusterGroup, and Marker to group and display markers on a map.



Defines the styling and attributes for individual marker icons.

Prop Type Description
className string CSS class for styling the marker icon.
iconSize [number, number] Dimensions of the marker icon [width, height].
html boolean If true, uses a default HTML circle icon.

Defines the styling and attributes for cluster icons.

Prop Type Description
className string CSS class for styling the cluster icon.
iconSize number Size of the cluster icon in pixels.
Additional Properties
Prop Type Description
groupKey string Key used to group data when type is set to "circle".
type enum(default|circle) Defines the clustering mode:
- "default": Uses default styles from Leaflet.markercluster.
- "circle": Uses predefined styles specific to common Akvo project use cases.
renderPopup function Function to render a custom child component in the marker popup.

Example Usage

import React from "react";
import MapCluster from "./MapCluster";
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'

const markerIcon = {
  className: "custom-marker",
  iconSize: [32, 32],
  html: true,

const clusterIcon = {
  className: "custom-marker-cluster",
  iconSize: 60,

const tile = {
  url: "{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
  maxZoom: 19,
  attribution: "© OpenStreetMap",

const config = {
  // Additional configuration options for the map can go here.

const data = [
  // Provide the array of data points for the map here.

const Chart = () => {
  return (

export default Chart;

MapCluster Notes

  • When using "default" for type, the component applies styles from Leaflet.markercluster.
  • When using "circle" for type, the component applies Akvo-specific predefined styles.
  • Ensure the data prop is formatted correctly to include the required latitude and longitude coordinates for each marker.
  • Customize renderPopup to display additional information for markers as needed.

Fully Customized Map

If the MapView or MapCluster components do not meet your specific requirements, you can use this fully customizable map component to create a tailored solution.



The Container component serves as the base for rendering a map.

Prop Type Description
children node Valid map or React components to be rendered inside the container.
tile object Accepts all valid Tile Layer options.
config object Accepts all valid config options.


The GeoJson component allows you to render GeoJSON data as layers on the map.

Prop Type Description
onClick function Event handler for click events on the layer.
onMouseOver function Event handler for mouseover events on the layer.
data object Accepts valid GeoJSON objects.
style object Styles the layer, e.g., for choropleth maps, using React inline CSS format.


The LegendControl component creates a legend control based on color ranges.

Prop Type Description
data array Single-dimension array defining legend data.
color array Array of colors corresponding to the data ranges.


The Marker component is used to display individual points on the map.

Prop Type Description
children node Valid React components to display in the marker popup.
latlng [number, number] Latitude and longitude of the marker [latitude, longitude].
label string Label or title for the marker.

It also supports all Marker options.


The MarkerClusterGroup component groups multiple markers into clusters.

Prop Type Description
children node Valid React components to be clustered.
iconCreateFn function Function to customize the cluster icon.
onClick function Event handler for click events on the cluster.
onMarkerClick function Event handler for click events on individual markers.

It supports all Leaflet.markercluster options.


The TileLayer component is used to display map tiles.

Prop Type Description
url string The URL template for the tile layer.
maxZoom number The maximum zoom level for the layer.
attribution string Attribution text to display on the map.

It supports all TileLayer options.


Example Usage

import { Map } from 'akvo-charts';
import 'akvo-charts/dist/index.css'
const { getGeoJSONList } = Map;

const DisplayMap = () => {
  const mapConfig = {
    config: {
      center: [-6.2, 106.816666],
      zoom: 8,
      height: "100vh",
      width: "100%",

  const iconCreateFn = (cluster) => (
    <div className="custom-cluster-icon">

  const geoProps = {
    style: {
      fillColor: "#f28c28",
      weight: 2,
      opacity: 1,
      color: "white",
      fillOpacity: 0.7,
    onClick: (e) => console.log("Layer clicked!", e),
  const data = [
    // Provide the array of data points for the map here.
  const geoData = {
  // Provide the object of geojson data for the map here.

  return (
    <Map.Container {...mapConfig}>
      {getGeoJSONList(geoData).map((gd, gx) => (
        <Map.GeoJson key={gx} data={gd} {...geoProps} />
      <Map.MarkerClusterGroup iconCreateFn={iconCreateFn}>
          ?.filter((d) => d?.point)
          ?.map((d, dx) => (
                className: 'custom-marker',
                iconSize: [32, 32],
                html: `<span style="background-color:${d.color}; border:2px solid #fff;" />`,
              <ul className="w-full text-base space-y-1">
                  <strong>School: </strong>
                  <strong>Service Level: </strong>

export default DisplayMap;

Map components Notes

  • Customize iconCreateFn to define your cluster icons dynamically.
  • Use getGeoJSONList to handle TopoJSON conversions and simplify rendering GeoJSON layers.
  • Always define style properties for GeoJson to ensure proper rendering of layers.

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