This is a PHP Wrapper for the Salesforce Rest API.
This library currently only supports the Username-Password authentication flow or password grant type.
To retrieve your consumer key and secret, you will need to login to the instance (or sandbox instance). Click Setup at the top of the page and then navigate to Create -> Apps. Here you will see several types of applications: Apps, Subtab Apps, and Connected Apps. Click the New button inside the Connected Apps section. Fill out the required form fields and check the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox. When using the username/password grant type, the Callback URL is not required, however you will still be required to enter a value.
To create a new sandbox instance, login to your main salesforce instance. Click Setup at the top of the screen and navigate to Deploy -> Sandboxes. Here you can choose a type of sandbox to deploy.
To see available API versions, you can navigate to https://<your-instance-subdomain>
Generally you should be fine to use the most recent version. If you are not sure, please check the SOQL documentation
The Security Token used for login is emailed to the user on creation and when they reset their password. If you do not have access to this information, you will most likely need to reset the user's password.