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PiecePaperCode edited this page Feb 25, 2021 · 2 revisions

Pull Requests

Always contribute your changes to develop branch not master

80 Columns

your code lines should not exceed 80 columns 81 is still okay


login_link = self.session.get(
    params={'id': self.server_id,
            'server[language]': self.language,
            'server[number]': self.server_number,
            'clickedButton': 'account_list'}

list comparisons

levels = [
    for level in bs4.find_all('span', {'data-value': True})

if else statements

if account['server']['number'] == self.server_number \
    and account['server']['language'] == self.language:


for level in bs4.find_all(
    'span', {'class': 'level', 'data-value': True}

constructors init

def __init__(
        token=None, user_agent=None, proxy='',
        language=None, server_number=None

None safety

when ever possible try to not return None and do None checks somewhere else down the line.

  • dont do if condition else None
  • do assert condition, "it failed because condition was not met" This will catch parsing errors when ogame changes there html and the lib will fail at the line where the parsing error occurred and not in another function that uses the condition.


The code should express itself without the help of an comment.

  1. To Do Comments should be issues. Create an issue and name it TODO and assign it yourself and track your progress there.
  2. Doc Strings should be documented in the
  3. if you have an weird use case you can point it out in an comment


  • dont use generic names like manager, component, data
  • variables can be camelCase or _ separated
  • Classes begin with a Capital Letter
  • use expressive variables names planet_id not pid

Side Effects

Functions or classes can call other functions and parameters but they should not cause side effects. it must be guarantied to run the same every single time it gets called. That means that its forbidden to change variables that are outside of the scope of the function itself.


If you add a new function it needs to be tested in

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