Read in other languages: English, French.
The record of processing activities is a tool distributed freely by Safran in order to carry out analyzes of compliance with the regulations on data protection. This application is deployed on a server and can be accessed from a web browser.
Advantages of the tool:
- contains the questions of the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL) for the small and medium companies;
- management of the questions of the analysis (creation, modification, deletion);
- validation workflow;
- 3 roles:
- administrator who manages questions and users;
- DPO who manages the analyzes;
- employee who provides analysis.
- adaptable to any size of structure (multi-company processing management);
- Possibility to create analysis models.
Apache 2.4+
PHP 7.1.3+
Node.js 6.14.x
npm 3.10.10
Mysql 5.5.x
- safe mode : disabled
- register_globals : off
- session.nocache_limiter : nocache
- session.auto_start : 0
- magic_quotes_gpc: off
- memory_limit = 3000M
- upload_max_filesize = 128M
- post_max_size = 128M
- max_execution_time = 120s
- date.timezone = "Europe/Paris"
MySQLi, Zlib compression functions, DOM functions, Session support, PCRE functions, PHP-CLI, Curl, Multibyte string functions, Exif functions, GD, SOAP, LDAP, Memcache, OpenSSL, PDO, Tokenizer, XML, JSON, CType
The DocumentRoot should point to the RoPA/public folder.
The RoPA folder must be set to AllowOverride All.
php_module, rewrite, headers, deflate, expires.
The MySQL max_allowed_packet variable should be set to 512M.
Get the source code : git clone
Create a database and import the database.sql file.
Move the RoPA directory to the server root folder.
Go to the RoPA directory.
Set the APP_URL to the server url in the .env file.
Note: It should the the same URL as the "ServerName" of your apache server.
Edit the .env file to set the database hostname, name, username and password.
Enter composer install
Note: You may see an error message related to the database that you can ignore.
Enter npm install
Enter npm run production
Enter php artisan RoPA:install
and answer yes
to prompt to generate the app key.
You should be able to load the http://[APP_URL]/en/login
page to connect with a local account.
If you want to use SAMLv2 authentication, you should load the root page: http://[APP_URL]
Change the following variables in .env to absolute path:
SAML2_SP_x509="file://[YOUR FULLPATH]/certs/saml.crt"
SAML2_SP_PRIVATEKEY="file://[YOUR FULLPATH]/certs/saml.pem"
The URL for metatada is [APP_URL]/saml2/metadata
You can configure LDAP to check deleted users in .env and config/authcompany.php
A cron tab must be set:
* * * * * php /[YOU FULLPATH]/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * pgrep php > /dev/null || php /[YOU FULLPATH]/artisan queue:work >> /dev/null 2>&1
Note: You can edit the app/Console/Kernel.php file to stop receiving email notifications from scheduling:
Add ['--disable-notifications'] in the second parameter for command.
A local account is set:
Login: admin
Password: admin
Login: dpo
Password: admin
Login: employee
Password: admin
Emails can be configured in the .env file
You can change the favicon in RoPA/public/images/favicon.png
You can change the logo in:
- RoPA/public/images/logo.png
- RoPA/public/images/logo.svg
- RoPA/public/images/general/logo.svg
- RoPA/resources/assets/img/general/logo.svg
By default, main images are linked to localhost
but you can reload them in the administration panel : [APP_URL]/admin/settings
The package has been installed on Redhat 7, Debian 9, MAMP 4.2 and 5.1.
You can run the application locally using docker-compose
. While the provided configuration isn't suitable for production environments, it can be used for development in order to avoid having to setup the necessary tools on the host system.
The first thing to do after cloning the project is to create the .env
file from the .env.example
$ cp .env.example .env
Then, you need to configure the environment variables related to the database as they're used by the docker-compose
configuration to create the mysql container.
# Corresponds to the name of the service defined in docker-compose.yml
Finally, you need to make sure that the application will have access to the storage
directory through the volume attached to the container.
$ sudo chmod -R 777 storage
Once the initial setup is done, you should be able to launch the application by running docker-compose up
at the root of the project.
$ docker-compose up
If you're launching the application for the first time, you'll now need to install the dependencies and compile the project's assets. Otherwise, the application should be running at http://localhost/en/login.
You'll first need to enter the container defined by the web
service in the docker-compose
$ docker-compose exec -w /RoPA web bash
Now, simply run the following commands:
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ php artisan
This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Any contribution or work of contributor as described in the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 as « contributor version » shall become a contribution ruled under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.