My implementation of a ROS Node that utilizes the Python API of the original Darknet YOLO detector.
Set to > 0 to display detections and debugging messages
Set to True to mirror horizontally
Open the src/fyp_yolo/msg
folder to see the custom messages:
Contains the individual detections.
string Class float64 probability int64 xmin int64 ymin int64 xmax int64 ymax
Contains the original compressed image and the resulting detections.
Header header string format uint8[] data BoundingBox[] bounding_boxes
([sensor_msg::CompressedImage])Subscribe to the compressed image topic from the Hololens in the JPEG format.
([fyp_yolo::CompressedImageAndBoundingBoxes])Publish the original compressed image and the detections from the YOLO detector.
- Sometimes the node wont shutdown properly, and the GPU fills up with previous instances of the node.
nvidia-smi | grep 'python' | awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs -n1 kill -9