This is the Git repo of the Docker image for nginx-sticky.
This is simple and slim image (≈8mb) with builtin nginx-sticky-module-ng
Nginx build with:
- http_realip_module
- http_addition_module
- http_sub_module
- http_gunzip_module
- http_gzip_static_module
- http_ssl_module
- threads
- stream
- stream_realip_module
- compat
- nginx-sticky-module
When I worked around nginx + pm2 (cluster) + nodejs + websockets, faced with the problem that the nginx + pm2-cluster + websocket is not working properly and I needed to implement some kind of layer between the app's container and nginx. The task of this layer is to provide sticky sessions
Access console of container and execute the following commands.
- $ apk add --no-cache tzdata
- $ apk add -U tzdata
- $ cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Sao_Paulo /etc/localtime