This repository contains the benchmarks of IWLS 2024 Programming Contest and the circuits produced by the participants in response to the challenge.
The goal of the contest was to synthesize AIGs with the minimal number of two-input and-nodes (AIGs) and two-input xor-and-nodes (XAIGs), for a set of completely-specified multi-output Boolean functions represented using truth tables. The AIGs and XAIGs had to be submited in binary AIGER format. For the detailed information about the rules and evaluation criteria, please refer to the contest description.
The contest was organized by Alan Mishchenko and Yukio Miyasaka (IWLS 2024 Contest Chairs)
The benchmarks available in this repository are composed of 100 functions.
Please refer to the results presentation for the details on the benchmarks.
Please refer to the results presentation for the details on the participants.
With the participants' permission, the circuits submitted to the contest can be found here.
Please refer to the results presentation for the details on the winners.
Congratulations to the winners!