This is the template repository for the first major project in the Design 341 class at PSU.
Click the "Fork" button in the upper right corner of this repository. 1.a: do a dance.
Click on "Settings" and change the name to something better, like "project-one-four-poops", click the rename buton to save your changes.
Open GitHub Desptop
In the upper drop-down menu, choose: File > Clone Repository
Mae sure the tab is highlighted with a blue underline
click on the repository you just forked. If it doesn't show up, try searching for it in the filter field.
Choose a Local Path or keep it at the default which goes to Documents/GitHub/ on your hard drive.
Click the Clone button on the bottom to have GitHub Desktop fetch the files from and clone them to your hard drive.
In the Upper drop down menu choose: Repository > Open in Sublime Text (or: Open in External Text Editor)
Edit, save, commit, and push your files. Lather, rinse, repeat!