Ishi is an integration of Anki with the Pebble, so that you can study on the go without ever needing to handle your phone. Anki is a flashcard app that is trained by your successes and failures to quiz you in the right way to maximize your results. Ishi was built at HackBU, a hackathon hosted at Binghamton University. You can view the ChallengePost project here.
Simply start up the watch app on your Pebble and you can select a deck you'd like to study. You will be given a question to answer and you may reveal the answer at any time. You report your results by trying again or indicating whether you found it easy or hard. Anki will understand where your difficulties with the material lies and generate future questions based on where you succeeded and failed. With Ishi, you can go through your study routine right on your Pebble.
- Taylor Foxhall (@hallfox)
- Alan Plotko (@alanplotko)