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Merge branch 'release/2.5.1'
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Alar of Runetotem committed Feb 7, 2025
2 parents 8afdbf4 + eac7a97 commit 129c78c
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Showing 4 changed files with 360 additions and 88 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion OrderHallCommander.toc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## Interface: 110005
## Interface: 110007, 110100
## Title: OrderHallCommander
## IconTexture: 134414
## Notes: Sending all follower to missions with just one click and more
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245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions RelNotes.bak
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
-- AUTOGENERATED 2024-11-09T07:50:17+00:00---@diagnostic disable: undefined-field, inject-field
local me=...
local hlp=LibStub('AceAddon-3.0'):GetAddon(me)
function hlp:loadHelp()
= OrderHallCommander helps you when choosing the right follower for the right mission =
== General enhancements ==
* Mission panel is movable (position not saved, it's jus to see things, panel is so huge...)
* Success chance extimation shown in mission list (optionally considering only available followers)
* Proposed party buttons and mission autofill
* "What if" switches to change party composition based on criteria
== Silent mode ==
typing /ohc silent in chat will eliminate every chat message from OrderHallCommander
self:HF_Paragraph('Release Notes')
Fix: Removed deprecated functions usage
Feature: Library update
Toc: Update for 11.0.2, 11.0.0
Toc: Update for 10.2.7
Fix: Lua Error about SetJustifyV
toc: 10.2.6
Fix: Removed chat spam
Fix: Message
Toc: bump
Fix: There was a typo im the fix, now lua error in mission list is gone. Sure. No doubt. Gnomish engineering quality grade
Fix: lua error in mission list
Toc: 9.0.2
Fix: Message
Fix: Message
Fix: Message
Toc: 9.0.1
Toc: 8.3.0
Feature: 8.2.5
Feature: 8.2
Fix: Null error for tooltips on Followers #1
Fix: OrderHallCommander\tutorials.lua
Fix: Removed "OrderHallCommander
Feature: ChampionCommander banner should now appear a maximum of 3 times
Feature: When viewing a mission you can now see all available parties clicking "Analyze"
Feature: To manage BFA Missions, please install MissionCommander
Feature: fully working under Battle for Azeroth
Fix: error in autocomplete.lua line 484
Feature: added Earthen Mark for Shamans
Fix: lua error when both sorts were on "Original method" Thanks to Septh for noting it
Feature: added Squires'Oath for paladins
Fix: Second sort was not working if not changed at least once in the current session
Feature: Via Options now you can disable right click for blacklisting (Sponsorized by Katmandu)
Fix: Removes Alpha warning (was due to a curse packager bug)
Fix: #153 now closing mission panel with ESC also closes all OHC windows
Feature: Added a second level sort criteria
Fix: LeftSide Icon are now updates as soon as mission table appears
Feature: Added itemid 140931 (Bandit wanted poster) to quick buttons
Feature: For reputation rewards, your current reputation with the related faction is shown
Feature: added more items to side bar
Feature: removed from followerpage and moved to sidebar some items which doesnt need to be cast on a follower
Fix: 1x OrderHallCommander\missionlist.lua
Fix: #136 (and others) Lua error
Fix: #137 Removed chat spam
Feature: Class specific troop generating items added. Let me know if your class has issue
Feature: Total xp are now shown as "xp x followers", so you can better compare missions (feature request #97)
Fix: #135 Using champion equipment causes the game to hang
Fix: #117 Sometimes "in progress" mission were shown without followers
Fix: Removed chat spam
Feature: Base chance can be now set up to 120% to allow for a bit of overcapping
Feature: New Elite Overcap switch to force elites mission to always stay over 100%, if possibile
Feature: You can restore shift-click to send a single mission from mission list
Fix: Reset button was not working
Fix: You can again change switches while viewing the mission page
Feature: #120 Starting mission from list now requires ctrl-shift
Feature: #124 Moved action buttons to a safer spot
Fix: #127 Side menu didnt stay closed
Fix: #121 Window is now draggable even by the troop status bar
Fix: #123 Sorting should now be more responsive to config changes
Fix: #119 Bad display when more than 5 types of troops (really!) Tested up to 10 troops
Fix: Side menu no longer get reopened at each start
Feature: you can now disable a troop type clicking its icon in the OHC troop bar
Fix: Maximize xp was ignoring cap
Fix: #119 Bad display when more than 5 types of troops
Fix: #109 Future mission were missing in tooltip
Fix: #118 Troops with random abilities should now be considered
Fix: #99 Caused by same issue of 118, should be fixed
Fix: #108 Ignored/Blacklisted missions aren't sorted at the bottom since 1.5.1
Feature: Added an (hopefully) nice tutorial
Fix: Threat icons in missions panel are now consistent with the ones in mission page
Feature: Left Clicking a follower will lock him to the mission, so you can see how a mission composition will affect all the other ones
Feature: Right clicking a follower slot forbids using it, so you can force OHC to use less follower for a specific mission. Usable only on the leftmost slot
Feature: Autostart. Mission can be launched whith just one click via the "Quick start mission button". The first mission in the list is started.
Feature: Blacklisted missions or missions which are aunder the "Absolute Minimum Chance" value are not autolaunched
Feature: You can now set a minimum success chance. If bonus chance can not be achieved, than OHC will not fill mission whicn not reach at least this percentage
Feature: You can now set a minimum bonus chance. If it's not achieved, than OHC wil not waste forces and will try set the success chance closest to 100 as possible
Feature: For troops, durability is shown in the mission button icon
Feature: Reorganized troops' related switches
Feature: Never kill troops switch forces OHC to only use troop with more than 1 durability left AND to counter deadly
Feature: You can now choose if OHC prefers low or high durability troops
Fix: #68 Initial lag when opening panels should be gone or at least greatly reduced. YMV
Fix: #65 Errors from ACE when rapidly changing sliders
Fix: #66 Not using less than 3 units total
Fix: #80 Krokul troops should be used more rarely
Fix: #78 Ignore busy follower will be checked by defaults for new installs
Fix: #86 Added mising equipments
Note: fixes to errors only appeared during beta testing are not listed
Feature: You can now deactivate the Not enough champions warning
Feature: Item level in upgrade items is now more evident
Feature: Equipped items are now quality colored
Fix: Elite mission were not identified the right way
Fix: #59 When changing switches while mission page was shown, selection was not updated
Fix: #59 Mission report is now also closed when you use esc to close mission panel
Fix: #60 Future parties now dont include compab ally if "Use combat ally" is not checked
Feature: updates time duration with the actual time duration with the selected party and colors it (green if better, red if worse)
Fix: if mission is maxed, no longer fills it (mission can be sent with less than 3 followers)
Feature: tries to use cheaper troops when available
Fix: Elite mission chance is now computed the right way
Fix: #44 Error when changing options on send mission page
Fix: #47 Troops shipment not appearing on panel loading
Fix: Not enough champions warning was appearing way too often
Feature: "Better party available" tooltip improvement, now also lists party composition
Fix: Removes an incompatibility with AuroraUI
Fix: #43 Added missing consumable items
Fix: #41 Consumables are now always shown
Fix: #39 Removed usage of Blizzard UIDropDown in order to avoid random taint
Feature: #40 Missions blacklisting available
Fix: #35 Now manages new champions ilevel upgrade token
Feature: #30 added option to sort unfilled missions as last
Feature: Toc bump
Fix: Save troops honored (https
Fix: restored future missions in tooltip
Fix: improved kill troop information, now the skull is green if klll troops is in effect but used troops only have 1 durability left
Fix: All cache error should be gone
Feature: new Don't use troops switch
Feature: Separate state rcap for Champions and Troops
Feature: you can decide if show busy or even inactive followers
Feature: shift click on reward prints wowhead link in chat
Feature: added icon to show active bonus and malus in mission buttons
Feature: added an informative message when the options you checked lead to not being able to fill missions
Fix: Healing Stream Totem is now considered as upgrade
Fix: lua errors in matchmaker.lua
Fix: sometimes cache was not refresh after completing missions,leaving al missions unpopulated
Fix: Checks we actually cached a follower before removing it from cache
Fix: one follower missions where not supported
Fix: Countered spells are now always marked
Feature: new options for party selection
Feature: First release

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