Tags: alaudazzi/cloud-on-k8s
Tweaks volumeClaimTemplate in Quickstart guide (elastic#846) * Correct volumeClaimTemplate in Quickstart guide - In keeping with the `name: quickstart` series of examples, adds heredoc to the persistent storage example yaml. - Switches to 'local' Storage class (since we recommend and use a local Minikube in our example) - When using the example with volumeClaimTemplate, the following error is seen: ```for: "STDIN": admission webhook "validation.elasticsearch.elastic.co" denied the request: v1alpha1.Elasticsearch.Spec: v1alpha1.ElasticsearchSpec.Nodes: []v1alpha1.NodeSpec: v1alpha1.NodeSpec.VolumeClaimTemplates: []v1.PersistentVolumeClaim: v1.PersistentVolumeClaim.Spec: v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec.StorageClassName: Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements.Requests: unmarshalerDecoder: quantities must match the regular expression '^([+-]?[0-9.]+)([eEinumkKMGTP]*[-+]?[0-9]*)$', error found in elastic#10 byte of ...|ge":"100GB"}},"storag|..., bigger context ...|teOnce"],"resources":{"requests":{"storage":"100GB"}},"storageClassName":"Local"}}]}],"updateStrategy|...``` It appears the unit should be `Gi`, rather than `GB`, based on this example in the (k8s statefulset documentation)[https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/]. * Keep gcePersistentDisk storage class
Use uppercase Elasticsearch in the quickstart (elastic#833)
Update release CI job to work with docker.elastic.co (elastic#730) * Update Release job to work with docker.elastic.co * Update Makefile * Update repository and name for Docker image * Add login for docker.elastic.co * Update Makefile * Access Docker credentials in Vault * Cleanup * Remove unneeded GCP dependencies for release