Dog breed classification model done as a way to practice pytorch lightning and deep learning. Inspired by and
The goal of this project is to create a model able to identify the breed of a dog in a picture. This is a multiclass classification problem with 120 different dog breeds. The model is trained on this Kaggle dataset( The model was trained using Google Colab's GPU with pytorch.
The model is neural network that takes features obtained by 3 pretrained models as input and consists of a dropout layer and a fully connected layer to classify input as one of 120 classes. The pretrained models used are InceptionV3, Densenet121 and ResNeXt50_32X4D. The features obtained by the pretrained models are concatenated and fed to the dropout layer. The dropout layer is used to prevent overfitting.
The model was trained for 5 epochs with a batch size of 64. The model achieved a validation accuracy of 90% and a test accuracy of 89%. The model is able to identify dog breeds with great accuracy.