This tool uses sentiment analysis to classify product reviews as negative or positive.
We use Nestle Official Store and Unilever Official Store from Tokopedia Marketplace as our dataset to train this model. So there may be limitations on the reviews that can be used in this application.
LIVE DEMO: Product Review Classification
You can try this app from the link above.
Before going into this main section, you need to check the other important sections
- Review Scraping Tools : How we created our dataset from Nestle & Unilever product reviews
- Notebooks & Dataset : How we processed dataset & build model to make review classification
- React Web Front-End : How we built front-end with React to try our model in one click
- Server Back-End : How we built back-end with Flask to provide API to handle request from front-end
You must follow the above instructions before running this application
You are required to install Python 2.7 and pip Package Installer to run this app.
- Download and Install Python 2.7 at
- Follow instructions to Install pip at
Install required modules to use this tools.
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
You can access the app through http://localhost:5000
Check the tutorial how to edit and build the front-end here.
If you want to deploy this app to heroku, you need follow the instructions at
DEPLOYED DEMO: Product Review Classification at Heroku