- e8acfc2 Add lexer for ArangoDB Query Language (AQL) (#794)
- e422a62 Add tal (uxntal) lexer
- 4b11965 lexers/d: Update keyword lists
- be82a0b improve PSL directive and function highlighting
- bf8d359 FIX: update nord theme to have a base color for NameProperty
- f720d5a FIX: update nord theme to have a base color for NameOther
- 3c21942 support http response with no reason phrase
- 029798b Add AutoIt Lexer
- 4779f90 Add AutoHotkey lexer
- e09e498 lexers/go_template: Add missing global functions (#782)
- dcc587e wgsl: Fix typo for texel format rgba16float (#779)
- 8588e37 Update iscdhcp xml file (#778)
- 7c08f45 Update the main README to point to the lexers/README (#777)
- 0eecb2a Add WebGPU Shading Language lexer (#776)
- 4f02bc5 support HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 (#774)
- 357f0cb dhcpd (#772)
- 2672d3c Add Smali lexer (#765)