TopFlix React is a frontend application that consumes services from myFlix -a RESTful API built in Node.js with Express and MongoDB-. It was built with React, Redux, Bootstrap and Parcel. The frontend, together with the backend, conform a full-stack MERN application.
TopFlix React has the following characteristics:
- It is responsive adjusting its layout to different screens sizes
- It is a Single Page Application (SPA)
- Consists of few interface views with routing and navigation
- It provides a polished user experience with rich interactions
Users of TopFlix React will be able to:
- Sign up to register their account and profile
- Login and browse a list of top-rated, hand-picked movies
- Access detailed information about movies, directors and genres
- Filter movies to be searched by title
- Create their own list of "Favorite" movies
- Edit/Delete their Profile information