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Simple Observable Proxy

Simple Observable Proxy is a dependency-free library for JavaScript, that allows for observation of arrays and objects that are either flat or deep.

For objects, changing values, as well as adding, editing, or deleting keys results in a callback signal. For arrays changing values, direct modification using [], methods that change the array (pop, push, shift, unshift, etc.), or modifying length results in a callback signal. Multiple observers can be created per observable, and all signals are queued and sent using requestAnimationFrame in the browser, and an interval of 16 milliseconds in a node environment.

Simple Observable Proxy is written in TypeScript and compiles as CommonJS and ESM. It is intended to be a very small library (less than 800 bytes when minified and gzipped), and, as such, it does not report on specific differences between the current and prior state of the observed object or array.



npm install simple-observable-proxy


import { observable } from 'simple-observable-proxy';

Basic Usage

Objects and arrays can also be observed and unobserved.

import { observable, ObservableEvents, on, off } from 'simple-observable-proxy';
const stateChange = state => {
const state = observable({
  test: 'test'
on(state, ObservableEvents.change, stateChange);
state.test = 'test2'; // stateChange() will be called on RAF
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
  console.log('state.test : ' + state.test);
  off(state, ObservableEvents.change, stateChange);
  state.test = 'test3'; // stateChange() will not be called
  console.log('state.test : ' + state.test);

It is possible to have multiple callbacks on the same observable. This can be useful in specific cases such as multiple components sharing state.

import { observable, ObservableEvents, on } from 'simple-observable-proxy';
// create 
const sharedState = observable([
    id: 1,
    name: 'My first book.'
    id: 2,
    name: 'My second book.'

const sharedStateCallback1 = state => {

const sharedStateCallback2 = state => {

on(sharedState, ObservableEvents.change, sharedStateCallback1);
on(sharedState, ObservableEvents.change, sharedStateCallback2);


observable(arrayOrPlainObject: Observable): Observable

Converts an Array or plain Object (not an instance of a class) to an instance of Proxy and returns it. There are numerous cases where this function will throw an Error:

  • If any value other than an Array or plain Object is passed.
  • If the Array or plain Object contains an instance of a class.
  • If the Array or plain Object contains an Array or plain Object that has already been passed to observable().

on(proxy: Observable, ObservableEventType: "change" | "destroy", callbackFn: (proxy: Observable) => void): boolean

Subscribes to either the change or destroy event using callbackFn, Returns true if successfully subscribed, or false in cases where the proxy or callback function is invalid, or the callback is already registered.

off(proxy: Observable, ObservableEventType: "change" | "destroy", callbackFn: (proxy: Observable) => void): boolean

Unsubscribes from either the change or destroy event using callbackFn. Returns true if successfully unsubscribed, or false in cases where the proxy or callback function is invalid.

DEPRECATED observe(proxy: Observable, callbackFn: (proxy: Observable) => void): boolean

Shorthand method that calls observe(proxy, "change", callbackFn). Maintained for backwards compatibility with v1, but will be dropped in a future release.

DEPRECATED unobserve(proxy: Observable, callbackFn: (proxy: Observable) => void): boolean

Shorthand method that calls unobserve(proxy, "change", callbackFn). Maintained for backwards compatibility with v1, but will be dropped in a future release.

destroy(proxy: Observable): boolean

Cleans up the proxy. Returns true if successfully destroyed, or false in cases where the proxy has already been destroyed, or is not a valid proxy.

Migrating from 1.x to 2.x

In order to ensure that 1.x code does not break, the observe and unobserve methods have been retained as part of the 2.x codeset, but are marked as deprecated. If you wish to convert these to the 2.x syntax, you shoud modify your code as follows:

  1. Where you import the observe and unobserve methods, instead import the on and off methods, and the ObservableEvents object.
  2. Replace any calls to observe(yourState, yourChangeCallback) to on(yourState, ObservableEvents.change, yourChangeCallback), and any calls to unobserve(yourState, yourChangeCallback) to off(yourState, ObservableEvents.change, yourChangeCallback).

If you wish to recreate the deprecated observe and unobserve methods, you can add the following to your codeset.


const observe = (observableProxy: Observable, callback: ObservableCallback): boolean => on(observableProxy, ObservableEvents.change, callback);
const unobserve = (observableProxy: Observable, callback: ObservableCallback): boolean => off(observableProxy, ObservableEvents.change, callback);


const observe = (observableProxy, callback) => on(observableProxy, ObservableEvents.change, callback);
const unobserve = (observableProxy, callback) => off(observableProxy, ObservableEvents.change, callback);


When a value is modified on an observable proxy, its updated values is available immediately. When multiple values are modified on the observable proxy each registered callback will be called only once using requestAnimationFrame in the browser, or after 16ms in a Node environment. For example:

import { observable, ObservableEvents, on } from 'simple-observable-proxy';
const stateChange = () => {
  console.log('state changed callback')
const state = observable({
  test: 'test',
  test2: 'test2'
on(state, ObservableEvents.change, stateChange);
state.test = 'test2'; // modify key
state.nested = [1, 2, 3]; // added key
delete state.test2; // delete key

// despite multiple changes to state, stateChange will 
// only be called once on next requestAnimationFrame or after 16ms
console.log('before state changed callback');

// output in the console should be
// 'before state changed callback'
// 'state changed callback'


  • Version 3.0 will implement support for Map and Set.
  • Version 4.0 will consider implementing support for instances of custom classes.

Browser Support

iOS Safari
iOS Safari
12+ 34+ 63+ 10+ 10+ 50+


Simple observable proxies for JavaScript.







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