I am Alessandro Piana from Bergamo (Italy)
- 🎓 I am currently pursuing the M.Sc. in Mathematical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. My main interests concern probability, statistics and machine learning models
- 💼 Working on a thesis project on a digital twin framework for risk assessment of patients in ICU
I am currently learning to use GitHub to manage my projects and share my work. I'm exploring features like version control, documentation with READMEs, and collaborating on public repositories
- LinkedIn: [www.linkedin.com/in/alessandro-piana-a87868211]
- Email: [email protected]
- 🧮 I love solving math and logic quizzes
- 🏆 Sports enthusiast
- ⚽ I've played football for 14 years
- 🔴⚫ AC Milan fan