Liquid Swap / PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool calculator.
If you want to calculate the swap in prices on the couple BNB/BUSD, it will collect data from CoinMarketCap to get the actual price of BNB in BUSD.
You will need to install the requests library, by typing in your console:
pip install requests
Download the latest build here
I compiled it with autopytoexe. It will take some time to load (about 5 seconds).
When you download the .exe, your browser might detect it as a virus. It usually happens with programs that have got too few downloads. The VirusTotal Scan shows that it's not harmful, at best it gets detected as a "Heuristic threat". This is a common thing happening when using autopytoexe to convert python files to exe. In any case, remember that you can always use the Python file, as it is opensource and you can just look at it.