I'm Alex, software architect at Requestβa crypto payment solution for business. You'll find here a mix of personal projects and open-source contributions that represent steps in my journey of continuous learning and passion for coding.
I'm always open to collaborating on exciting projects or discussing new ideas. Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn!
- Maintainer of alexandre-abrioux/golem-node, a Dockerized version of New Golem Node
- Contributor on the RequestNetwork protocol
- Generated types for ethereum-block-by-date, an Ethereum block finder by date - #59366 - #59762
- Contributed to @rainbow-me/fee-suggestions, an EIP-1559 gas fee forecaster - #25
- Contributed to aave/aave-js, the AAVE Javascript SDK - #114 - #115 - #117
- Contributed to cartesi/noether, Cartesi's Noether Node - #1 - #3 - (WIP) #2 #6 #9 #10
- Maintainer of alexandre-abrioux/gulp-rev-dist-clean, a gulp-rev plugin to prune temporary files
- Contributor of benjlevesque/slack-meet, a Slack
command that quickly creates a Google Meet conference - Contributed to Node.js documentation - #54477
- Contributed to axios, an HTTP client for the browser and Node.js - #6362
- Contributed to axios-logger, an Axios logging middleware - #97
- Contributed to axios-retry, an Axios plugin that retries failed requests - #248
- Contributed to ioredis, a Redis client for Node.js - #1137 - #1139
- Contributed to mikro-orm, an ORM based on the Unit of Work pattern - #5158 - #6050 - #6078 - #6091 - #6094 - #6120
- Contributed to nestjs-cls, an async context manager for NestJS - #118 - #119
- Contributed to pnpm-shell-completion, a completion tool for pnpm - #19
- Contributed to supertest, a testing library for Node.js - #767
- Contributed to winston, a logger for Node.js - #1961
- Contributed to amnuts/opcache-gui, a web interface for OPcache - #15
- Contributed to doctrine/mongodb-odm, Doctrine's ODM for MongoDB - #2238 - #2246
- Contributed to schmittjoh/JMSSerializerBundle, Symfony Bundle to serialize and deserialize data - #782
- Contributed to symfony/monolog-bundle, Symfony Monolog Bundle - #368
- Contributed to Troopers/MangopayBundle, the Mangopay API's implementation for Symfony - #38 - #40
- Maintainer of alexandre-abrioux/github-profile-toolbox, a GitHub action that generates a toolbox to customize your GitHub profile
- Contributed to shadowsocks/shadowsocks-libev, a lightweight secured SOCKS5 proxy - #2866
- Contributed to predatorray/shadowsocks-helm-chart, an Helm Chart for Shadowsocks - #1 - #2
- Contributed to xdg/xdg-utils, a set of scripts for Free Desktop integration - #35
- Contributed to g-plane/pnpm-shell-completion, a shell completion script for Pnpm - #19
- Contributed to Hyprland's wiki - #679
- Contributed to rose-pine-hyprcursor's documentation, a cursor theme for Hyprland - #4
- Contributed to terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-cloud-storage, a Terraform module for managing Cloud Storage buckets - #318
- Contributed to joshmedeski/sesh, a tmux session manager - #189
This section was generated by a custom GitHub action I'm maintaining, check it out: alexandre-abrioux/github-profile-toolbox!
Language | Framework | Infra | Testing | Dev | CI |
First contribution to a Google-owned project, see terraform-google-modules/terraform-google-cloud-storage#318
Fixed a bug in axios, see more on axios/axios#6362
Contributed to axios-retry!
Just contributed to the Cross-Desktop Group project (freedesktop.org)! See this xdg-utils merge request.
My first contribution to supertest npm package got merged!
Just got my first contribution merged on the DefinitelyTyped
repository! I added type definitions for the ethereum-block-by-date
npm package. The PR has been accepted and types are now available at @types/ethereum-block-by-date
Started working on adding support for the EIP-1559 to Cartesi's Noether Node. The PR has been submitted for review.
Added schema validation support to Doctrine MongoDB ODM. The new feature has been merged and will be released in version 2.3.
My contribution to Cartesi's Noether Node was featured in one of their Medium article. It is related to improving the gas price estimation when submitting new blocks.
My submission to Gitcoin's Hack New Golem bounty won one of the four prizes allocated by the Golem organization! Read more on Golem's Blog article and take a look at the project over here: alexandre-abrioux/golem-node.
β‘ Recent GitHub Activity (public repositories only)
- π Merged PR #1583 in RequestNetwork/requestNetwork
- πͺ Opened PR #1583 in RequestNetwork/requestNetwork
- π Merged PR #1577 in RequestNetwork/requestNetwork
- π Merged PR #15 in alexandre-abrioux/github-profile-toolbox
- πͺ Opened PR #15 in alexandre-abrioux/github-profile-toolbox