This repository hosts the R based reproducible workflow that performed the analyses presented for the manuscript:
Alexander M Piper, Jana Batovska, Noel O I Cogan, John Weiss, John Paul Cunningham, Brendan C Rodoni, Mark J Blacket, Prospects and challenges of implementing DNA metabarcoding for high-throughput insect surveillance, GigaScience, Volume 8, Issue 8, August 2019, giz092,
The Rmarkdown document used to conduct analyses and create the figures is contained in the root directory, and has also been rendered into html format, and can be viewed in your web browser: Here.
All final vector figures are contained inside the figures directory as pdf files.
Raw data files including .gb and .fasta files retrieved from genbank and BOLD during creation of figure 3 are not contained within this repository due to size reasons and can instead by obtained from