'thevinylcompendium' is an MVP CRUD application built to manage a music collection. The architecture is Model View Controller (MVC).
The application layer is built on Ruby On Rails and is deployed to Heroku.
Records can be dsiplayed, updated and deleted by Track Name, Artist, Label and Genre
It will be enhanced to have $ value for each item - for the prupose of itemised H&C insurance premiums. This will leverage an API call to Discogs.
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, jQuery, Postgres. Images are managed on Cloudinary with interfaces implemented in each relevant Controller
Ruby functionality:
All controllers have create, show, edit, and destroy (delete) methods:
artists genres labels pages - home page rendeers a list of all genres. releases tracks
artist - Associated to tracks, and to genres through tracks genre - HABTM join to tracks label - Associated to tracks, HABTM to releases release - HABTM to labels, HABTM to tracks track - HABTM to genres, HABTM to releases, - Associated to artists, labels, users user - Associated to tracks
Views: (standard across artist, genre, label, release, track and home pages)
edit - partial render of form template _form.html.erb index - render all records new - partial render of form template _form.html.erb show - render individual record
artists genres labels releases tracks users
HABTM Joins:
genres_releases genres_tracks releases_tracks labels_releases
Implement API to Discogs to get $ value of tracks
Implement admin user security
Get HABTM associations woorkign correctly.
Build a bulkload tool
Further page styling
Add complete catalog - vinyl, CD, mp4
API to Beatport and/or Itunes?
Functionality to import itunes artwork and record data?
Initial render of Genres fails from hoemp page. Error Message: NoMethodError in Genres#show : .. /genres/show.html.erb where line #1 raised: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass Work-around: (til fixed) - reload page and the genres reneder correctly.