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Algonaut - The Algoneer API

Algonaut is an API service that exposes the functionality of the Algoneer algorithm toolkit. The following sections explain how you can set up Algonaut locally.


You can install Algonaut using pip:

pip install .

When developing Algonaut, you can install the package in development mode, which will not copy files but instead link them to your virtual environment so that you can edit them and see changes immediately:

pip install -e .

If you want to run tests, please also install test dependencies:

pip install -r requirements-test.txt --no-index --find-links wheels

Defining settings

Algonaut loads settings from the directory specified in the ALGONAUT_SETTINGS_D environment variable. You can specify multiple directories separated by a : character as well.

For development, you can point the variable to the settings directory in the Algonaut repository:

export ALGONAUT_SETTINGS_D=settings

Alternatively you can source the .dev-setup file into your environment:

source .dev-setup

This will set all required environment variables.

Database Configuration

Algonaut requires access to a Postgres database. The database connection is configured in the db section of the settings. By default, Algonaut tries to connect to the default Postgres port on localhost and connect to a database named algonaut_development with a user named algonaut and password algonaut (when running Algonaut in production you should change these values). For testing, Algonaut tries to connect to the algonaut_test database by default, using the same credentials.

You can create the required database and credentials using the following Postgres commands:

CREATE DATABASE algonaut_development;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE algonaut_development TO algonaut;


Algonaut runs on Postgres (but can support SQLite too). The database schema is managed using SQL migration files. To run the migrations simply execute

algonaut db migrate

To add a new migration, create a pair of files in the migrations directory and define your SQL commands for migrating up and down. Take a look at the existing files to get a feeling for the format.

Running Algonaut

To run Algonaut:

algonaut api run

To run the background worker (only required if you use RabbitMQ):

algonaut worker run

Developer Information

The following sections are only relevant if you want to actively develop Algonaut.

Upgrading packages

You can use the fabulous pur tool to upgrade packages in the requirements files:

# will update normal requirements
pur -v -r requirements.txt
# will update test requirements
pur -v -r requirements-test.txt

Building Wheels

We install all packages from local wheels if possible (for security reasons), to generate these wheels simply use the following commands:

pip wheel --wheel-dir wheels -r requirements.txt
pip wheel --wheel-dir wheels -r requirements-test.txt

Making a New Release

To release a new version of Algonaut, follow these steps:

  • Make sure all tests pass for the new release.

  • Update with the new version number. We follow the semantic versioning standard for our version numbers.

  • Add a changelog entry in the

  • Commit the updated and files to the repository.

  • Create a new tag with the version number (which is required for CI integration):

    git tag -a v0.1.4 -m "v0.1.4"
  • Push the tag to the main repository together with the commit

    git push origin master --tags
  • Gitlab/Travis will pick up the version tag and make the release for us.

  • Alternatively, you can create the distribution packages using

    python sdist bdist_wheel
  • You can also manually publish the packages to PyPi via Twine (not recommended):

    twine upload dist/*