My name is Ali, an enthusiastic front-end web developer from Canada.
I learn the newest tools & features and make frontend projects with them every day.
✔️ Currently working on Webblock, the biggest JavaScript application package. More on that coming soon. 😉
✔️ I’m also looking for a frontend development job in Canada.
My Skills & Tools:
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | JSON | Git | GitHub | Terminal | CLI | WebAPI | API | VSC
Interactive Coding | Responsive Design | Cross-Browser Testing | Debugging Techniques | Web Publishing
Currently Learning:
SASS | ReactJS | NPM | Parcel
My completed-ish projects at the moment:
Shopping Cart Template | Weather App | Virtual Keyboard | Meditation App | Election Map.
How to reach me:
Email | Portfolio | GitHub | | LinkedIn
Stack Overflow | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram | Facebook