574 commits
to greenwich
since this release
⭐️ Features / Enhancements
- [Project] Migratiing Aliyun commercial components to aliyun-spring-boot
- [Project] Updating the building dependencies #1326
- [Project] Combining the code-based and starter modules #1222
- [Project] Renaming spring-cloud-starter-alibaba to be spring-cloud-alibaba-starters #1283
- [Project] Reorganizing the modules of documents and samples #1223
- [Project] Removing the commercial components from the code base #1281
- [Common] Using @ConditionalOnEnabledHealthIndicator to conditional assembly #1280
- [Common] Removing the force dependency code of spring-cloud in AliCloudContextAutoCo… #1240
- [Nacos Config] healthcheck switch config property #1237
- [Sentinel] Supporting ConsulDataSource Dynamic Rule Configuration #1318
- [Seata] Optimizing SeataHystrixConcurrencyStrategy #1339
- [Dubbo] Being Compatible with Dubbo 2.7.5 #1311
🐞 Bug Fixes
- [Sidecar] registers port and group to nacos #1295
- [Dubbo] Nacos is used as the registration center, the network parameters of the server change, and the client continues to connect the server with the old parameters #1259
- [Dubbo] removeMetadataAndInitializedService's bug #1260
- [Dubbo] NettyClient has not realized service discovery #1253
- [Dubbo] fix document link error #1306
- [Dubbo] fix Sentinel zuul NPE #1217
📔 Reference Document
2.1.2.RELEASE is compatible with Spring Cloud Greenwich SR5, cheers! 🍺
Spring Cloud Alibaba is live on Spring Initializr and Aliyun Java Initializr now!
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Nacos] Upgrade to Nacos Client 1.2.1 (#1154)
- [Seata] Upgrade to Seata 1.1.0 (#1211)
- [Dubbo] Upgrade to Apache Dubbo 2.7.6 (#1342)
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!