This repository contains resources for the Embedded Systems Diploma, instructed by Eng. Keroles Shenouda.
- "Intro to Embedded Systems"
- "Git"
- "C Basics"
- "Arrays & Strings"
- "Functions"
- "Struct, Union, Enum"
- "Macros"
- Pointers (you can check additional frequently used codes here)
- startup, linker, make, GDB.
- LAB 1 on ARM versatilepb
- LAB 2 on ARM STM32F103C6
- LAB 3 on ARM tiva c tm4c123gh6pm
- Commercial debuggers and dynamic allocation
- Data structures: Stack, Queue, Linked list
- System Architecture UML Diagram
- System Architectur Design sequence
- MCU fundamentals: CISC VS RISC, Von Newman VS Harvard, cache memory, Pipline, RAM & ROM types
- MCU fundamentals: Little Endian VS Big Endian, Memory mapped IO VS Port mapped IO, ARM Buses
- ARM Clocking
- ARM Interrupts
To access the labs and projects for each unit, please refer to the respective subdirectories within this repository. Each unit directory will contain the necessary files and instructions for completing the associated tasks.