Add the library into your proyect is really easy, you just need to add this line in dependencies block in your app Gradle:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.alihaider63:OnBoardingBubbles:VERSION'
BubbleShowCaseBuilder(this) //Activity instance
.title("foo") //Any title for the bubble view
.description("bar") //More detailed description
.arrowPosition(BubbleShowCase.ArrowPosition.RIGHT) //You can force the position of the arrow to change the location of the bubble.
.backgroundColor(Color.GREEN) //Bubble background color
.textColor(Color.BLACK) //Bubble Text color
.titleTextSize(17) //Title text size in SP (default value 16sp)
.descriptionTextSize(15) //Subtitle text size in SP (default value 14sp)
.image(imageDrawable) //Bubble main image
.closeActionImage(CloseImageDrawable) //Custom close action image
.showOnce("BUBBLE_SHOW_CASE_ID") //Id to show only once the BubbleShowCase
.listener(listener(object : BubbleShowCaseListener{ //Listener for user actions
override fun onTargetClick(bubbleShowCase: BubbleShowCase) {
//Called when the user clicks the target
override fun onCloseActionImageClick(bubbleShowCase: BubbleShowCase) {
//Called when the user clicks the close button
override fun onBubbleClick(bubbleShowCase: BubbleShowCase) {
//Called when the user clicks on the bubble
override fun onBackgroundDimClick(bubbleShowCase: BubbleShowCase) {
//Called when the user clicks on the background dim
.targetView(view) //View to point out
.show() //Display the ShowCase
Special Thanks to original Publisher BubbleShowCase-Android