Maybe this happend for you that you connected your Laptop to TV or Video projector and you wanna pause , go forward/backward or mute and etc. but you are too lazy to do that or it's hard for you to do that manually. you can use this app :)
install python
creat python virtualenv with name django_rest to able call "E:\virual env\django_rest\Scripts\activate" location to activate it (learn more)
install these packeges in it:
- djangorestframework
- keyboard
First Clone this project
Second connect to local Network like WIFI modem or mobile hotspot
after that run "controler\rest_api\script.bat" fille
it must be like this:
If there was problom try to migrate you django app.
If it worked without any have 2 options
1-If you have android phone connect to the same local Network and put IP in the field and click star icon and after that enjoy you movie.
Photo of the flutter app
2-connect to the same local Network with your device and get IP that showed on bat file and use URL for send command.
there is a command that you can send any letter of your keyboard that you want to push (like m for mute in youtube)