Check the write-up here. This project was done under Professor Kavita Ramanan and William Salkeld at Brown under the Spring 2023 UTRA Award.
- Initial testing of classification algorithms
- Initial plotting, analysis, etc. of data
- main results from writeup
- similar results to main.ipynb
but using MLP
- simple normalizers
- Path
objects for different databases
Aquisition Setup
- Kinematic Data
- 22-sensor Cyberglove II representing 22 joint angles as 8-bit values at a resolution < 1 degree
- 2-axis inclinometer fixed onto wrist to collect wrist orientation
- 25Hz sampling frequency
- Surface EMG
- Double-differential MyoBock 13E200
- 100Hz sampling frequency
- Kinematic Data
Stimulus: 52 movements divided into 4 main classes:
- 12 movements of fingers (flexions and extensions)
- 8 isometric, isotonic hand configurations/postures
- 9 wrist movements (adduction/abduction, flexion/extension, pronation/supination)
- 23 grasping and functional movements
27 subjects
10 repetitions of each class of movements
5 seconds of motion, 3 seconds of rest in-between
Collection of phantom limb electrical signals along forearm from hand-amputated subjects
Aquisition Setup
- Surface EMG
- Double-differential MyoBock 13E200-50
- 12 electrodes in total along different parts of forearm
- 100Hz sampling frequency
- Columns 1-8 are electrode signals around forearm
- Columns 9 & 10 are signal along two activity spots of Flexor and Extensor Digitorum Superficialis
- Columns 11 & 12 (partially -- "when available") are from electrodes on actiity spots of muscle Biceps Brachii and of the muscle Triceps Brachii
- Surface EMG
11 hand-amputated subjects
10 repetitions of each class of movements
5 seconds of motion, 3 seconds of rest in-between
Contains 36 columns of data about (x, y, z) acceleration of 12 sEMG electrodes
2 columns of (roll, pitch) inclination values
6 columns of force values
2x6 columns of extremal force values (minimal and maximal force values for each sensor)
Aquisition Setup
- Kinematic Data
- 22-sensor Cyberglove II representing 22 joint angles as 8-bit values at a resolution < 1 degree
- 2-axis inclinometer fixed onto wrist to collect wrist orientation
- 25Hz sampling frequency
- Surface EMG
- 2 Thalmic Myo bands, one tilted at 22.5 degrees above first
- 16 electrodes
- 200Hz sampling frequency
- Columns 1-8 are the electrodes equally spaced around the forearm at the height of the radio humeral joint
- Columns 9-16 represent the second Myo, tilted by 22.5 degrees clockwise.
- 3 columns for accelerometer from first Myo
- 200Hz sampling frequency
- Kinematic Data
Stimulus: 52 movements divided into 4 main classes:
- 12 movements of fingers (flexions and extensions)
- 8 isometric, isotonic hand configurations/postures
- 9 wrist movements (adduction/abduction, flexion/extension, pronation/supination)
- 23 grasping and functional movements
10 intact subjects
6 repetitions of each class of movements
5 seconds of motion, 3 seconds of rest in-between
DB5 - For feature extraction and classification, "Repetitions 1, 3, 4 and 6 were used to train the classifiers, repetitions 2 and 5 were used for validating them. The classification was performed on all movements (rest included)" in DB5, according to this associated paper.
DB5 sampling frequency is 200 Hz, so windowing into 200 sample-sized windows (with an overlap of 50%) involves 1 second of data in each window
Includes offline analysis of a real-time prosthetic hand control experiment with 12 subjects (11 intact, 1 amputee)
Aquisition Setup
- Does not collect any kinematic data
- Surface EMG
- Delsys Trigno IM Wireless EMG
- 12 electrodes and 9-axes inertial measurement units (9 degrees of freedom: 3-axial accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer)
- 100Hz sampling frequency
Stimulus: 40 movements divided into 4 main classes:
- 12 movements of fingers (flexions and extensions)
- 8 isometric, isotonic hand configurations/postures
- 9 wrist movements (adduction/abduction, flexion/extension, pronation/supination)
- 23 grasping and functional movements
20 intact subjects, 2 amputees
6 repetitions of each class of movements
5 seconds of rest between movement trials
Aquisition Setup
- Kinematic Data
- 22-sensor Cyberglove II representing 22 joint angles as 8-bit values at a resolution < 1 degree
- 2-axis inclinometer fixed onto wrist to collect wrist orientation
- 25Hz sampling frequency
- Kinematic Data
Stimulus: 40 movements divided into 4 main classes:
- 8 isometric, isotonic hand configurations/postures
- 9 wrist movements (adduction/abduction, flexion/extension, pronation/supination)
- 23 grasping and functional movements
77 subjects
5 repetitions of each class of movements
5 seconds of motion, 3 seconds of rest in-between
22 columns of order of angles : name of the angles corresponding to variable “angles”
- All have a stimulus, restimulus, repetition, rerepetition (re- is corrected for what acc happened, data can be ragged)
- EMG usually recorded with something attached to forearm
- If you wanted to combine databases, you would need to determine which exercises match across different databases since they all have a different ordering
- 12 EMG columns, 2kHz
- 6 reps, 49 movements, 40 subjects (intact)
- Movements include hand positions (1-8), basic movements of wrists (9-17), grasps and functional movements (18-40), force patterns (41-49)
- 5 seconds + 3 seconds rest
- Glove is 22 dof version
- Sampling frequency is 2000 Hz
Same paper as DB5, different instrument (Cometa vs. Double Myo)
- 12 EMG rather than 16 compared to DB5
- 3 exercises: (1) basic movements (2) wrist movements (3) grasping + functional movements
- 6 repetitions, 52 movements, 10 subjects (intact)
- 5 seconds + 3 seconds rest
- Sampling frequency is 2000 Hz
- eSMG dim is
- "Repetability"
- unique thing is multiple days of acquisition - made participants do the movements twice a day for 5 days (larger dataset...)
- EMG - 16 dims (2 are empty though), 2 kHz
- 12 repetitions of 7 grasps only, 10 intact subjects
- 4 seconds + 4 seconds rest
- 10 intacts, 2 amputees
- EMG - orig 1111 hz, then upsampled to 2khz, 16 dims
- Glove - 18 DoF
- 6-9 seconds + 3 seconds rest
- Each exercise is more like a "grip"/finger movement rather tahn an involved action
- Explicitly states that this database is meant for estimation/reconstruction of finger movement rather than movement/grip classification, since the data is meant to be slow finger movements and there is a lack of extended hold period). Though, that shouldn't affect using signatures, since its still tree-like equivalent to a properly timed movement...
Newest but seemingly most involved (more details later, but I don't think it's that useful for the purposes of this project)
A lot of data that I probably can't store locally