Scramble is a C preprocessor which allows to write C code which looks a bit like Python code with a full Python3 environment available for meta programming. That is, no semantics at all are changed - when using Scramble you still write C code. But it has a syntax more similar to Python.
Similar (and better) projects:
Scramble is used like this: -i -c output.c -h output.h -n name
For example, if you have a file, then you could run: -i src/ -c build/c/main.c -h build/h/main.h -n main
And if your src/ would look like to the left, the resulting files would look like to the right:
src/ import stdio, string, math def main(int argc, char **argv) -> int: if argc == 2: printf("%f\n", sin(strtod(argv[1])) return 0 else: fprintf(stderr, "Need exactly one argument!\n") return 1 |
build/c/main.c #include "main.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 2) { printf("%f\n", sin(strtod(argv[1])); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Need exactly one argument!\n"); return 1; } } build/h/main.h #ifndef _MAIN_ #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "math.h" extern int main(int argc, char **argv); #endif |
All C, C++ and Python keywords basically are also Scramble keywords. The following control flow constructs are used by scramble: while,, do...while, for X while Y with Z [for (X; Y; Z) in C],, if...elif...else, label [: in C], goto.
And these declarations: class [struct in C], def, enum, global, import, macro [#define in C], static, struct, typedef, union.
These Python operators are used instead of the C++ ones: and [&& in C], max, min, not [! in C], or [|| in C].
And there's a few new constants: True, False, None.
In general, here is what scramble will do:
No more ; required.
: and indentation instead of { and }.
No ( and ) for builtin C keywords like if. For example:
if x == 2: x = 3 y = 3
translates to if (x == 2) { x = 3; y = 2; }
Use elif instead of else if, like in python.
Use and, or and not inside conditionals, like in python.
Functions are declared with def, and parameter types can be grouped. For example:
def f1(): pass def f2(int x, y, z): pass def f3 -> int: pass
translates to void f1(void) { } void f2(int x, int y, int z) { } int f3(void) { }
Headers are generated automatically. This works by outputting a declaration for each function or global variable which is not declared static. Similarly, struct/union/enum declarations are written into the header unless declared static, and a type is automatically defined for them. For example:
class A: int x class B: A *a static class C: B *b static def a_new() -> A*: A *self = calloc(1, sizeof *self) return self def b_new() -> B*: B *self = calloc(1, sizeof *self) self->a = a_new() return self
translates to test.c
#include "test.h" typedef struct C C; struct C { B *b; }; static A *a_new(void) { A *self = calloc(1, sizeof *self); return self; } B *b_new(void) { B *self = calloc(1, sizeof *self); self->a = a_new(); return self; }
#ifndef _TEST_ typedef struct A A; typedef struct B B; struct A { int x; }; struct B { A *a; }; B *a_new(void); #endif
Comments are started with #.
Include files are included with import. For example:
import test, global stdio
translates to #include "test.h" #include <stdio.h>
Meta programming using full Python. This is possibly the single most useful feature - at compile time you have the full Python interpreter at your disposal to create any code you want.
***scramble for x in ["A", "B", "C"]: parse("char def function" + x + "(): return '" + x + "'") ***
translates to char functionA(void) { return 'A'; } char functionB(void) { return 'B'; } char functionC(void) { return 'C'; }
Triple quoted strings, useful for multi-line string constants.
Support for auto declarations (type is inferred)
In many cases you can use . instead of -> (if the type inference sees a pointer left of the . a -> is output instead)
Extended for-loop syntax, for example:
MyArray *arr for MyElem *x in arr: handle(x)
translates to MyArrayIterator __iter__ = MyArrayIterator_first(arr); for (MyElem *x = MyArrayIterator_item(arr, &__iter__); MyArrayIterator_next(arr, &__iter__); x = MyArrayIterator_item(arr, &__iter__)) { handle(x); }
Docstrings can be used to automatically generate documentation. Strings at the beginning of a function are ignored, but can optionally be output to a separate file, associated with the function they are defined in. This can then be used to translate into different documentation formats.
- None, min, max, True, False keywords. For now min and max are macros for the ternary operator - with the usual problem of evaluating the argument twice.
- As the hash sign starts a comment, *** can be used to insert C preprocessor commands.
- Instead of #define, macro and static macro can be used to place a #define either into the .h or .c file.
- Since the : is used up by Python syntax, labels are marked with the label keyword instead of :. Bitfields use the keyword with. The colon in the C tertiary operator works for now until I implemnt the if-else construct.