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Releases: allixender/dggrid4py

bug fix v0.3.2

10 Feb 07:24
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Bug fix release for numerical vs string ID handling in transforms, thank you @tik65536

What's Changed

  • add dtype argument to pd.read_csv if output_address_type not in ['SEQNUM', 'AIGEN'] by @tik65536 in #14


Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2

bug fix v0.3.1

19 Nov 16:15
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bug fix 0.3.1 with Z7_STRING COARSE_CELLS and the grid_cell_centroids_from_cellids/grid_cell_polygons_from_cellids functions


19 Nov 14:40
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implemented better handling of Z3 and Z7 and transform of addresses

v0.2.9 minor fixes for dependencies

28 Oct 08:45
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v0.2.8 prevented use of newer dependencies.

  • fixes #8

v0.2.8 minor fixes for centroids and output

27 Oct 15:18
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0.2.7 minor update ISEA7H seqnum

21 Oct 15:44
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  • better SEA7H seqnum conversion
  • to better work with newer DGGRIDv8 and GDAL version
  • ReadTheDocs

dggrid4py v0.2.6 minor update

19 Dec 13:10
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  • main new feature is the possibility to split the geometries at the dateline 180/-180 which can make it easier to work in "regular" cartesian GIS tools
  • another minor update is the possibility to configure the datatype of the intermediate DGGRID output. If possible it will try to use something more efficient such as GPKG or FlatGeobuf to reduce the overhead from DGGRID output and then loading into the GeoDataFrame
  • welcome to contributor Luís de Sousa, who provided the dateline interruption code the

PyPI dggrid4py 0.2.3

18 Jan 14:18
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A set of python modules for creating and manipulating Discrete Global Grids with DGGRID version 7.0 software which was created and maintained by Kevin Sahr.