JavaScript Reserved Words: Note that I don't use let after the first line. This is because the variable has already been declared.
let firstName = "Reem";
let lastName = "AlHarbi";
let fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
- Write a variable called
. - Write a variable called
. - Write a variable called
. - Then write a variable called
and assign all the previous variables along with a string concatenation. - Then call the the variable
. - Result will be:
My future cat's name is Strawberry, he is 86 years old, and his color is Orange.
To find the area of a rectangle multiply its height by its width. A = H * W Result will be : The area of rectangle is '40.20'
Write an if statement that tests two number (numOne and numTwo), and prints the biggest number
- Store the user age
- If age is less than 18, print "Sorry, you can't drive yet"
- If the age is equal to or over 18, print "Drive away!"
- Bonus: If the user can't drive yet, tell them how many years they will have to wait. E.g. "Sorry, you have 4 years to wait until you can drive"
Write a program that declares a variable equal to a number 0 - 100
If it is a multiple of 3, print “Fizz” instead of the number.
If it is a multiple of 5, print “Buzz” instead of the number.
If it is a multiple of both 3 and 5, print “FizzBuzz” instead of the number.
Otherwise, print the number