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Freeswitch use mod_xml_curl to get user information in database

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Testing version 0.1
debug community between freeswitch and http server:
http server and freeswitch run on same server
ngrep -W byline -d lo

Cach cai dat Freeswitch bang goi rpm
Cu phap cho lenh ln: ln –s source destination
  1.	freeswitch-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm 
  2.	freeswitch-codec-passthru-g729-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm 
  3.	freeswitch-devel-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm 
  4.	freeswitch-lang-en-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm 
  5.	freeswitch-lua-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm 
  6.	freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.18.noarch.rpm 
  7.	freeswitch-sounds-music-8000-1.0.8-2.noarch.rpm 
  8.	freeswitch-spidermonkey-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm

Buoc 1: cai dat HDH centos version 5.7

Buoc 2: cai dat cac goi dependency
  •	yum install -y alsa-lib curl libidn libogg  libtheora  libvorbis perl postgresql-libs  unixODBC-libs

Buoc 3: cai dat freeswitch: 
  1.	rpm -ivh freeswitch-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm freeswitch-devel-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm freeswitch-codec-passthru-g729-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm freeswitch-lang-en-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm freeswitch-lua-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-8000-1.0.18.noarch.rpm freeswitch-sounds-music-8000-1.0.8-2.noarch.rpm freeswitch-spidermonkey-1.0.6-1.i386.rpm

Buoc 4: chkconfig –-add freeswitch 
 chkconfig –-level 345 freeswitch on

Buoc 5: chown freeswitch:daemon –R /opt

Buoc 6: reboot server 

 ktra coi freeswitch co tu start hay ko, cau lenh ktra:
  1.	netstat –nlp | grep 5060
  2.	ps –ef | grep freeswitch
  3.	/etc/init.d/freeswitch status
  4.	Check IO cua harddisk, network: iostats –n -1

Enable Freeswitch use mysql instead of sqlite

  1: yum install unixODBC-devel mysql-connector-odbc mysql-server

  2: edit file /etc/odbcinst.ini:
Description     = ODBC for MySQL
#check file + in the folder /usr/lib
Driver          = /usr/lib/
Setup           = /usr/lib/
Driver64        = /usr/lib64/
Setup64         = /usr/lib64/
FileUsage       = 1

  3: edit file /etc/odbc.ini:
Driver          = MySQL
SERVER          =
PORT            = 3306
DATABASE        = freeswitch
OPTION          = 67108864
Socket          = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
USER            = test2            # insert your db username
PASSWORD        = pass    # insert your db password here

  4: edit file /opt/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml
    <!--<param name="odbc-dsn" value="dsn:user:pass"/>--> change to     <param name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch:test2:pass"/>
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_freeswitch                |
| sip_authentication                  |
| sip_dialogs                         |
| sip_presence                        |
| sip_recovery                        |
| sip_registrations                   |
| sip_shared_appearance_dialogs       |
| sip_shared_appearance_subscriptions |
| sip_subscriptions                   |

  5: if you dont edit file /opt/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml and change the below line:
    <!-- <param name="core-db-dsn" value="dsn:username:password" /> -->
    <param name="core-db-dsn" value="freeswitch:test2:pass" />

 [root@localhost freeswitch]# ls  db/
call_limit.db  core.db  fifo.db  sofia_reg_external.db  sofia_reg_internal-ipv6.db  voicemail_default.db
  and your database will be the result as step 4

  if you changed and your database look like below
 mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_freeswitch                |
| aliases                             |
| calls                               |
| channels                            |
| complete                            |
| interfaces                          |
| nat                                 |
| sip_authentication                  |
| sip_dialogs                         |
| sip_presence                        |
| sip_recovery                        |
| sip_registrations                   |
| sip_shared_appearance_dialogs       |
| sip_shared_appearance_subscriptions |
| sip_subscriptions                   |
| tasks                               |

push CDR log into mysql:
  1. create tables CDR to store cdr 
   caller_id_name varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
   caller_id_number varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
   destination_number varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
   context varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
   start_stamp varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
   answer_stamp varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
   end_stamp varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
   duration varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
   billsec varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
   hangup_cause varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL

  2. run command:
    2.1 in shell mode: fs_cli -x 'fsctl send_sighup' 
    2.2 command 'fsctl send_sighup in freeswitch mode 
    2.3 you can use the telnet IP of freeswitch port 8021 with pass ClueCon

  3. write the bash script and python script to load the Master.csv.YY-MM-DD-Hour-Minite-second into mysql
import os
import time
#wait 30 second for the /opt/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -x 'fsctl send_sighup' complete
import MySQLdb as mysql

path = "/opt/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/"
#list all file in path. dirList is a List object
dirList = os.listdir(path)

server = 'localhost'
user = 'test2'
passwd = 'pass'
database = 'freeswitch'

#connection to mysql
con = mysql.connect(server, user, passwd, database)
  print("Connect successfull")
  print("Connect not successfull")

#cursor of mysql connection
cur = con.cursor()

for i in dirList:
    #path to file cdr-csv...
    file_name = path+i
    if(file_name != "/opt/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/Master.csv"):
        f = open(file_name, 'r')
        for line in f:
            sql_statement = "INSERT INTO cdr(caller_id_name, caller_id_number, destination_number, context, start_stamp, answer_stamp, end_stamp, duration, billsec, hangup_cause) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
        #delete file cdr

  4. create crontab to execute the step 2 + step 3 in 5min/1hour/1day
     the script look like this:( and set the can run via chmod +x
        /opt/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -x 'fsctl send_sighup'
        python /opt/freeswitch/scripts/


Freeswitch use mod_xml_curl to get user information in database






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