This repo contains example scripts that show how to interact with the Mailgun API. These scripts are not supported and probably not production ready. They are offered as a starting point; a learning aid. We hope you find these scripts useful and welcome any suggestions for additional scripts at
These scripts have been designed to be as user friendly as possible and will prompt you for any needed information, such as your API key or file names, when ran.
Retrieves a list of domains from an account and outputs it to a csv file. You will be prompted for your Mailgun API key.
Especially useful when dealing with larger numbers of domains. Output is stored in ./files
Exports suppressions. You provide a file containing the list of domains you wish to export from. When you run the script you will be prompted for API key, a file containing the domains you wish to export from, and which suppressions you wish to export (bounces or complaints or unsubs or everything)
Output is stored in ./files/suppressions