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New Go-based Secure Server Agent for Alpacon

Alpamon is a server agent for Alpacon. Each server should have Alpamon installed to be controlled via Alpacon.

This guide outlines the step-by-step process for installing Alpamon within a development environment. The installation requires an active Internet connection or the appropriate configuration of a proxy server.

Getting started

To build Alpamon, ensure you have:

  • Go version 1.22 or higher installed.
    • Make sure $GOPATH is set and $GOPATH/bin is added to your system’s PATH.


Download the latest Alpamon-Go directly from our releases page or install it using package managers on Linux.


Debian and Ubuntu

curl -s | sudo bash

sudo apt-get install alpamon

CentOS and RHEL

curl -s | sudo bash

sudo yum install alpamon


Clone the source code

To get started on macOS, clone the source code from the repository:

git clone

Generate Ent Schema Code with Entgo

To generate Ent schema code with custom features, navigate to the root of the project and use the following command:

go run -mod=mod[email protected] generate --feature sql/modifier --target ./pkg/db/ent ./pkg/db/schema

Install Atlas CLI

To enable versioned migrations, install Atlas CLI using the following command:

curl -sSf | sh

Install Go dependencies

Make sure you have Go installed. Then, navigate to the project root and download the necessary Go packages:

go mod tidy


Alpamon can be configured via the files listed below.

  • /etc/alpamon/alpamon.conf
  • ~/.alpamon.conf

It is recommended to use /etc/alpamon/alpamon.conf for deployment, but you can use ~/.alpamon.conf for development.

url = http://localhost:8000
id = 
key = 

verify = true
ca_cert = 

debug = true

Configuration details

  • server: Server settings
    • url: The URL for Alpaca Console. If you are in a local development environment, this will be https://localhost:8000.
    • id: Server ID
    • key: Server Key
    • ca_cert: Path for the CA certificate
  • logging: Logging settings
    • debug: Whether to print debug logs or not

For testing with the Alpacon-Server, you can use the following values:

  • url = http://localhost:8000
  • id = 7a50ea6c-2138-4d3f-9633-e50694c847c4
  • key = alpaca


Local environment

To run Alpamon in a local development environment, navigate to the cmd/alpamon directory and run the application using Go:

cd /path/to/alpamon/cmd/alpamon

go run main.go

Ensure that you are in the correct directory (/cmd/alpamon), as this is where the main.go file resides.


You can also use docker to test alpamon in various Linux distributions. We use Docker Desktop to test alpamon on following distributions.

  • Ubuntu: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04
  • Debian: 10, 11
  • RedHat: 8, 9
  • CentOS: 7


Build docker images with the build script.



You can run containers for these images in Docker Desktop or using command line like below.

docker run alpamon:ubuntu-22.04
  • Note : This will run the container with the default workspace URL (http://localhost:8000), plugin ID, and key values. For more details, refer to the file in the Dockerfiles directory corresponding to each operating system.

To run the container with a custom workspace URL, plugin ID, and key, use the following command:

docker run \
  -e ALPACON_URL="your_workspace_url" \
  -e PLUGIN_ID="your_plugin_id" \
  -e PLUGIN_KEY="your_plugin_key" \
  • Replace the environment variable values (your_workspace_url, your_plugin_id, your_plugin_key) with your actual workspace configuration.

Deploy as a service

For Linux systems supporting systemd, you can run alpamon as a systemd service. In this case, you need to adapt alpamon/config/alpamon.service for your environment.

Specifically, ExecStart should be something like /usr/local/bin/alpamon.

Run the following commands to prepare system directories.

sudo cp alpamon/config/tmpfile.conf /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/alpamon.conf
sudo systemd-tmpfiles --create

Run the following commands to install a systemd service.

sudo cp alpamon/config/alpamon.service /lib/systemd/system/alpamon.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start alpamon.service
sudo systemctl enable alpamon.service
systemctl status alpamon.service

The result would look like the following. The status must be loaded and active (running).

alpamon.service - alpamon agent for Alpacon
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/alpamon.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-09-28 23:48:55 KST; 4 days ago