Work done by Team KATtana (Team Number 10): Kushagra Agarwal, Akshit Garg and Tathagata Raha as a Project for the course Distributing Trust and Blockchain offered in A2k21 by Prof Sujit Gujjar.
This is a smart contract which tries to emulate a Decentralised Stock Exchange. The Stock Exchange allows IPO of a new company followed by Buying and Selling of these shares. The shares and money are stored in the smart contract till the trade is executed which allows for Trust even with unknown traders.
The functions currently supported are:
- Buy Order
- Sell Order
- Sort Buy Orders
- Sort Sell Orders
- Cancel Buy Order
- Cancle Sell Order
- Get Order Details
- Get Market Price
- Get Market Depth
Steps to run the smart contract:
truffle compile
truffle develop