Creating the API structure for your projects again and again is very annoying and difficult especially for the starters.
So I created an API structure which includes all the pre-requisites including the authentication(Which I think is the most difficult task to implement if you are a newbie)
I want to make it public so that everyone can take benefit from it and contribute to make it even better.
This API kit will be running on a port 3000
. You can uncomment the code for https
server in ./bin/www
and app.js
if you want to run a secure sever.
├── /bin/
│ ├── www/
├── /config/
│ ├── config.js/ # contains connection urls and secret keys.
├── /features/
│ ├── /users/
│ ├── userController.js/ # Controller for /api/users
│ ├── userModel.js/ # User Model
│ ├── userRouter.js/ # Contains verbs of user.
│ ├── /routes/
│ ├── router.js/ # Main router file.
│ ├── /server/
│ ├── authenticate.js/ # Contains all the authentication methods and strategies.
│ ├── cors.js/ # This file contins the CORS configuration.
│ ├── database.js/ # Databse configuration.
│ ├── verify.js/ # All the encryption and decryption methods which we are using to generate and verify the tokens
├── app.js # main file
├── package.json
Just clone the repo and run npm install
by going into the NODE-API-KIT
folder and then follow the instructions as described below.
The api is configured to run on a normal server. If you want to enable the https server you have to uncomment the code for https as described below. For running a secure server you have to generate the private keys and certificate using openssl.
If you are using a macOS, go to the bin
folder and then create the private key and certificate by typing the following at the prompt
openssl genrsa 1024 > private.key
openssl req -new -key private.key -out cert.csr
openssl x509 -req -in cert.csr -signkey private.key -out certificate.pem
If you are using a Windows machine, you may need to install openssl. You can find some openssl binary distributions here. Also, this article gives the steps for generating the certificates in Windows. Another article provides similar instructions. Here's an online service to generate self-signed certificates.
Please make sure that you have generated the certificate and the private key in the bin
If you want to run the api on a secure server you can uncomment the code anytime by simply going into the /bin/www
Uncomment the following code from /bin/www
* Create HTTPS server.
// Read the certificate and private key from bin folder.
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/private.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/certificate.pem')
var secureServer = https.createServer(options, app);
* Listen on provided port, on all network interfaces.
secureServer.listen(app.get('secPort'), () => {
console.log('Secure Server listening on port ', app.get('secPort'));
secureServer.on('error', onError);
secureServer.on('listening', onListening);
Also uncomment the following code from app.js
// Uncomment the following code if you want to use secure server.
// Secure traffic only
app.all('*', (req, res, next) => {
if ( {
return next();
else {
res.redirect(307, 'https://' + req.hostname + ':' + app.get('secPort') + req.url);
The API server must become available at https://localhost:3443/api If you are using HTTPS.
Otherwise it will be available at http://localhost:3000/api
Please add the mongoDB url in config.js
file and make sure that your mongoDB is up and running otherwise you will get an error.
If you are running your api on PORT other than 3000 or 3443 then you must update the whitelist which is inside the CORS configuration file.
Just go to the ./server/cors.js
and update the whitelist array.
Example: const whitelist = ['http://localhost:3000', 'https://localhost:3443', 'http://localhost:myport'];
This source code is licensed under the MIT license.
Feel free to make changes to the code and features. PR are welcomed.
Made with ♥ by ALQAMA BIN SADIQ github