AltLayer Mach AVS is a fast finality layer for Ethereum rollups. In Mach AVS , operators will run verifier nodes for rollups, monitor the rollup for fraudulent behavior, and submit a fraudulent alert to Mach AVS. Fraudulent alert can then be confirmed via sufficient quorum or ZK proofs.
- Fast finality services for Web3 application
- Circuit breaker for RPC nodes
Mach AVS consists of the following component:
- Mach AVS service manager contract
- Mach AVS aggregator (for signature aggregation version)
- Mach AVS operator
- Mach verifier
participant MC as Mach Contract
participant MA as Mach Aggregator
participant MO as Mach Operator
participant MV as Mach Verifier
participant L2 as Layer2
MV ->> L2: Fetch Layer2 Status
MV ->> MV: Verify Layer2 Blocks by executor
alt the block is valid
MV ->> L2: Fetch next blocks
else the block is invalid
MV ->> MO: Commit alert to operator
MV ->> MC: Commit a Earlier Alert
MO ->> MO: Sig the alert
MO ->> MA: Commit alert bls sig
MA ->> MC: If collected, commit Avs confirmed Alert
MV ->> MV: generate zk-snark-proof
MV ->> MC: commit Zk proved Alert
actor US as UserService
actor UC as UserContract
participant MC as Mach Contract
participant MS as Mach Services
participant L2 as Layer2
US->>MC: A Rpc for Layer2
MC->>L2: Map Rpc request if no alert
UC->>MC: IsAlert
MS->>L2: Fetch status and verify
MS->>MC: Commit Alert for Layer2
MS->>MC: Commit ZK proof for Alert
Mach AVS service manager contracts can be found in contracts folder
- Mach AVS for all rollup stack (BLS Signature aggregation)
- Mach AVS for OP stack based rollup (ZK proof)
Mach AVS uses EigenLayer Middleware v0.1.2
The aggregator service will collect BLS signatures from operators in Mach AVS. Upon reaching sufficient threshold,
the aggregator will confirmAlert)
to submit the alert. Once verified, the alert will be confirmed.
In this mode, it does not need an aggregator to collect signatures. ZK Proof will replace the process of collecting BLS signature.
Operator can detect block or output root mismatch and submit an alert using alertBlockMismatch()
and alertBlockOutputOracleMismatch(
) respectively.
After the alert is submitted, operator will compute the corresponding ZK proof to prove the alert and submit the proof using submitProve()
ZK Proof generation can be either done using RISC0 or GPU.
Mach AVS includes operator allowlist which can be managed by contract owner.
- Enable operator allowlist:
- Diosable operator allowlist:
- Add operator to whitelist:
addToAllowlist(address operator)
- Remove operator from whitelist:
removeFromAllowlist(address operator)
Aggregator sample configuration file can be found at config-files/aggregator.yaml.
./bin/mach-aggregator --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG> \
--ecdsa-private-key <OWNER_PRIVATE> \
--avs-deployment ./contracts/script/output/machavs_deploy_output.json
The --avs-deployment
is use the machavs_deploy_output.json
output by deploy script.
Mach AVS aggregator service can be found in aggregator
Operator sample configuration file can be found at config-files/operator.yaml.
Operator can be run using the following command:
./bin/mach-operator-signer --config <PATH_TO_CONFIG>
Node operator client can be found in operator. For more information on how to run operator, check out our guide at here
The ZK Proof mode verifier codebase is found at
The verifier codebase is found at
Check out scripts
For devnet, we can use docker-compose:
docker compose build
docker compose up
it will boot anvil as layer1, a aggregator and a operator for test.